Emba is being developed as a firmware scanner that analyzes firmware images, regardless of whether the firmware is a single file or has already been extracted. It should help you to identify and focus on the interesting areas of firmware images. Beside Linux-based embedded devices Emba also analyzes different RTOS-based operating systems like VxWorks or FreeRTOS.
Emba is optimized for offline/extracted firmware images. Additionally, it can also analyze kernel configuration files. Emba is designed to assist penetration testers and not as a standalone tool without human interaction. Emba should provide as much information as possible about the firmware, that the tester can decide on focus areas and is responsible for verifying and interpreting the results.
Before running emba make sure, that you have installed all dependencies.
./emba.sh -l ./log -f ./firmware
sudo ./emba.sh -l ./log -f /firmware -D
You can specify multiple arguments and get more information about usage of emba in the wiki.