Create a shopping cart SPA (single page application) with React and Redux that will allow users to add items to their cart and see the items they've added.
Live example here:
All of the image files needed for this assignment are inside of the public directory of the react application already. You'll need to fork this repository and clone it down to make sure you have them all. The images are named by the sku number in the data file for json-server. There are 2 images per sku {sku}_1.jpg and {sku}_2.jpg. One large for the product page and one smaller for the cart itself.
- Be able to add an item to the cart
- Be able to see the items in the cart
- Be able to remove items from the cart
- Be able to see the subtotal of all items added to cart
- Order by Highest and Lowest Price
- Filter by different sizes
- Print the number of products found by the filter