Whitman College
- Walla Walla, Washington
- http://justinlincoln.com/
🐀 A link aggregator and forum for the fediverse
Educational Examples for Interactive Real-Time Video Manipulation
An open source DataMoshing python application.
Code package of the book Generative Design for Processing 3.x
Processing-based video-playback program to play video when movement is detected, and pause when not, created specifically for galleries in museums, designed to run continuously and without human-in…
A simple implementation of the Big 5 Personality Evaluation Tool using Processing. This tool allows users to explore their personality traits based on the widely recognized psychological model. Not…
Processing sketches using OPEN-AI
a collection of my own Processing sketches along my postgraduate degree
Processing project that does some artsy stuff with video inputs
Control Sonic Pi with Processing (OSC communication)
A collection of tools written in Processing for image and video processing.
An experiment in real-time image and video processing. App uses live video feeds and distorts the image into a waterfall of pixels
Various Processsing Sketches to test new ideas
A list of AI Art courses, tools, libraries, people, and places.
Some text and links about the wide world of creative coding
Creative Approaches To Emerging Technology | Fall 2018, Olin College of Engineering
a minimalist multipage PDF generator in Processing 3
A simple interactive audio visualisation toy made in Processing
Code from a 2-day Processing workshop at Make/Think/Code, a lab at PNCA
Processing code examples of basic game component logic
365 Days of Creative Coding // Processing (Java)
Practice Processing visual programming language, while using it to teach middle school girls code