This project is an implementation of a genetic algorithm to solve the N-Queens problem. The algorithm efficiently finds solutions for large values of N (e.g., N=32) in just a few seconds.
- Genetic Algorithm: Utilizes a genetic algorithm to evolve solutions over generations.
- Multithreading: Optional multithreading to speed up fitness calculations.
- Fitness Caching: Caches fitness values to avoid recalculating known chromosomes' fitness.
- Escape Mechanism: Implements an escape mechanism to avoid local minima.
- Adjustable Parameters: Allows customization of population size, mutation probability, and other parameters.
- Python 3.6+
(included in Python 3.6+)
Clone the repository:
git clone cd nqueens-solver
Run the script:
Enter the number of queens:
When prompted, enter the number of queens (e.g., 32):
Enter Number of Queens: 32
View the output:
The script will display the runtime, number of generations, and a visual representation of one of the solutions.
- random_chromosome: Generates a random chromosome (board configuration).
- calculate_fitnesses: Calculates fitness values for a list of chromosomes.
- fitness: Calculates the fitness of a single chromosome.
- probability: Calculates the selection probability of a chromosome.
- random_pick: Selects a chromosome based on its selection probability.
- reproduce: Performs crossover between two chromosomes.
- mutate: Mutates a chromosome to introduce diversity.
- calculate_parameters: Adjusts mutation probability and escape parameters.
- genetic_queen: Executes the genetic algorithm to evolve the population towards a solution.
- print_board: Prints the chessboard with queens placed.
You can customize various parameters in the script to suit your needs:
- POPULATION_AMOUNT: Number of chromosomes in the population.
to enable multithreading. - BASE_MUTATION_PROBABILITY: Base probability of mutation.
- MAX_MUTATION_PROBABILITY: Maximum probability of mutation.
- AMOUNT_OF_POPULATION_TO_RANDOMIZE_WHEN_ESCAPING: Number of chromosomes to randomize when escaping local minima.
- ESCAPE_EVERY_X_GENERATIONS: Frequency of escape attempts.
- PRINT_CHROMOSOMES, PRINT_GENERATIONS, PRINT_ESCAPE_INDICATOR: Debugging flags to print additional information.
Here is an example of running the script for N=8:
Enter Number of Queens: 8
Maximum fitness = 28
Solved in Generation 40!
One of the solutions:
Chromosome = [1, 5, 8, 6, 3, 7, 2, 4], Fitness = 28
x x x x Q x x x
Q x x x x x x x
x x x x x Q x x
x x x Q x x x x
x Q x x x x x x
x x x x x x Q x
x x Q x x x x x
x x x x x x x Q
Total runtime: 0.65 seconds
Average Runtime over 5 runs: 0.65 seconds
- This project was created as part of an artificial intelligence class at Florida Atlantic University.