A fork of Fabric Loom that supports the Forge modding toolchain.
Note that if ForgeGradle works fine for you, use it. This is not meant to be a complete replacement for ForgeGradle, and there are probably many bugs and limitations here that FG doesn't have.
Starting with a Fabric project similar to the example mod, switch your Loom to this fork, like with Chocohead's Loom fork.
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
name = 'Fabric'
url = 'https://maven.fabricmc.net/'
+ maven {
+ name = 'Forge'
+ url = 'https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven'
+ }
+ maven {
+ name = 'JuuxelBintray'
+ url = 'https://dl.bintray.com/juuxel/maven'
+ }
plugins {
- id 'fabric-loom' version '0.5-SNAPSHOT'
+ id 'io.github.juuxel.fabric-loom' version '0.6.2'
Then you need to set loom.forge = true
in your gradle.properties
and add the Forge dependency:
forge "net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.4-35.1.7"
You also need to remove the Fabric Loader and Fabric API dependencies. You should also remove any access wideners and replace them with a Forge AT.
Mixins are used with a property in the loom
block in build.gradle:
loom {
mixinConfig = "mymod.mixins.json"
- Launching via IDE run configs doesn't work on Eclipse or VSCode.
- The srg -> yarn remapper used for coremod class names is really simple, and might break with coremods that have multiple class names per line.