Based on the configuration of the Nvim 0.8.1
version, it aims to make an out-of-the-box and full-featured code editor.
- Fast boot (60ms to complete the boot, the test environment is i5-12500H + 16G DDR5)
- Customizability (completely transparent configuration, build your own IDE in your own way)
- Extensibility (customization via various community-driven plugins with many pre-made features)
Clone this repository:
git clone ~/.config
Install dependencies (according to your preferences):
-- if you want to use the system clipboard
$ yay -s xsel
-- if yo want use lazygit in nvim
$ yay -s lazygit
-- if you want have good syntax highlighting in nvim
$ yay -s tree-sitter
-- if you want convenient fuzzy search in nvim
$ yay -s fd sed ripgrep
-- if you want use translation in nvim
$ yay -s translate-shell
-- if you want to put files deleted in nvim into recycle bin
$ yay -s trash-cli
-- if you want to link the mysql in nvim
$ yay -s percona-server-clients
-- if you use python pylint diagnostic code and write django
$ pip3 install pylint-django
-- if you use python pyright diagnostic code and write django
$ pip3 install django-stubs
-- if you want use tabline in nvim
$ yay -s unzip curl
-- if you want preview markdown to browser in nvim
$ yay -s pandoc
$ npm i -g live-server
-- if you want to quickly upload images to the internet and generate markdown links
$ npm i -g picgo
-- if you want to store dd and yy data persistently
$ yay -S sqlite3
Open the settings.lua file to adjust Nvim's configuration functions.
Open the options.lua file and set your personal preferences.
Open the mapping.lua file to set the base keys.
Open the lua/utils/public/icons.lua file to change the icons to your liking.
Open the mason.lua file and add the LSP
, Linter
, Formatter
and other external tools you need .
If you want to customize the startup configuration of a certain LSP
, you should configure it in lua/config/lsp/server_configurations directory.
If you want to customize the startup configuration of a DAP
, you should do this in lua/config/dap/dap_configurations directory to create configuration files.
You can change anything you don't like, and if you don't know how to change it, you can file an ISSUE.
- PackerSync : Update plugin
- LspInfo : View LSP server running status
- Mason : External program management
- VsnipOpen : Open a user-defined snippet
- MarkdownPreview : Preview markdown file
- TSUpdate all : Update tree-sitter parser
- MakeDirectory : Create directory if it doesn't exist