Our aim is to adapt BLIP to solve Image Retrieval Task, specifically for fashion domain.
We added datasets such as Fashion200k, FashionIQ, CIRR.
We also proposed a new architecture as shown below:
└─── cirr_dataset
└─── train
└─── 0
| train-10108-0-img0.png
| train-10108-0-img1.png
| train-10108-1-img0.png
| ...
└─── 1
| train-10056-0-img0.png
| train-10056-0-img1.png
| train-10056-1-img0.png
| ...
└─── dev
| dev-0-0-img0.png
| dev-0-0-img1.png
| dev-0-1-img0.png
| ...
└─── test1
| test1-0-0-img0.png
| test1-0-0-img1.png
| test1-0-1-img0.png
| ...
└─── cirr
└─── captions
| cap.rc2.test1.json
| cap.rc2.train.json
| cap.rc2.val.json
└─── image_splits
| split.rc2.test1.json
| split.rc2.train.json
| split.rc2.val.json
- Clone CIRR dataset
git clone -b cirr_dataset https://github.com/Cuberick-Orion/CIRR.git cirr
- Raw images from
The instructions to download Fashion 200k can be found here
For the generated test_queries.txt, we use the one generated by the authors of TIRG paper which can be found here.
The fashion-200k directory should follow the following structure and have these files.