Next.js beautifully designed template that you can use for your projects for free with site, blog and docs support. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
- 🕸️ Site
- 📄 Docs
- ✍️ Blog
- 🔖 Tags
- 📟 Pagination
- 🍕 RSS Feed 2.0 (xml and json)
- ⏱️ Minutes read time estimation
- 🌎 i18n
- 💬 MDX
- 📍 Sitemap
- 🔍 SEO
- 🌓 Dark/Light mode
- 💅 Tailwind CSS
- 🧱 Shadcn components
- 📐 Responsive
- 🧬 Accessible
- 🤖 Customizable
- 🚀 Open Source
and more...
- versioning docs support
Visit to view the documentation.
Note: contributions are always welcome, but always ask first, — please — before work on a PR.
That said, there's a bunch of ways you can contribute to this project, like by:
- 🪲 Reporting a bug
- 📄 Improving the docs
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- 🌟 Giving a star on this repository
Licensed under the MIT license.