Alpine Docker image of SQLite3 built from the latest source code.
docker pull keinos/sqlite3:latest
- Current SQLite3 version:
- View Available Tags (SQLite version) @ DockerHub
- Supported Architecture:
- ARM64, ARMv6, ARMv7 and Intel/AMD64
- INIT System Support:
- Scan Status:
Image Information (Dockerfile, Security Scan, etc.)
- INIT Support:
- Repositories/Registries:
- Image Registry @ DockerHub
- Dockerfile @ GitHub
- Issues @ GitHub
- Build Info:
- Base Image:
- SQLite3 Source: @
- Update Interval: Once a week
- Base Image:
- Basic Vulnerability Scan:
- Snyk Docker Scan and Grype Container Scan on push, PR and merge.
- Scan Interval: Once a week.
- See the Security overview for the details.
$ docker pull keinos/sqlite3:latest
SBOM Support
The images supports SBOM. You can check the software components used in the image as below.
$ docker sbom keinos/sqlite3:latest
Syft v0.43.0
✔ Loaded image
✔ Parsed image
✔ Cataloged packages [14 packages]
alpine-baselayout 3.6.5-r0 apk
alpine-baselayout-data 3.6.5-r0 apk
alpine-keys 2.4-r1 apk
apk-tools 2.14.4-r0 apk
busybox 1.36.1-r29 apk
busybox-binsh 1.36.1-r29 apk
ca-certificates-bundle 20240226-r0 apk
libcrypto3 3.3.1-r0 apk
libssl3 3.3.1-r0 apk
musl 1.2.5-r0 apk
musl-utils 1.2.5-r0 apk
scanelf 1.3.7-r2 apk
ssl_client 1.36.1-r29 apk
zlib 1.3.1-r1 apk
$ docker pull keinos/sqlite3:3.44.2
$ docker build -t sqlite3:local
Running sqlite3
command inside the container interactively.
$ docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/workspace" -w /workspace keinos/sqlite3
SQLite version 3.28.0 2019-04-16 19:49:53
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> .open ./sample.db
sqlite> CREATE TABLE table_sample(timestamp TEXT, description TEXT);
sqlite> INSERT INTO table_sample VALUES(datetime('now'),'First sample data. Foo');
sqlite> INSERT INTO table_sample VALUES(datetime('now'),'Second sample data. Bar');
sqlite> .quit
$ ls
- Note that you need to mount the working directory as a volume to the container.
- Running
sqlite3 --version
$ docker run --rm keinos/sqlite3 sqlite3 --version
3.38.2 2022-03-26 13:51:10 d33c709cc0af66bc5b6dc6216eba9f1f0b40960b9ae83694c986fbf4c1d6f08f
- Executing SQL query to the mounted database:
$ ls
$ docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/workspace" keinos/sqlite3 sqlite3 /workspace/sample.db -header -column 'SELECT rowid, * FROM table_sample;'
rowid timestamp description
----- ------------------- -----------------------
1 2022-04-16 14:09:52 First sample data. Foo
2 2022-04-16 14:09:58 Second sample data. Bar
- Note that you need to mount the working directory as a volume to the container.
This container includes a simple test script.
You can run the script to see if the container and sqlite3
binary is working. Though, not sutiable for HEALTHCHECK usage.
$ docker run --rm keinos/sqlite3 /
- Creating test DB ... created
rowid timestamp description
----- ------------------- -----------------------
1 2022-04-16 14:18:34 First sample data. Hoo
2 2022-04-16 14:18:34 Second sample data. Bar
- Testing ...
1st row value ... OK
2nd row value ... OK
- Test result:
$ echo $?
- Let us know if you have any test to be included.
- Dockerfile: MIT License by The Dockerfile of SQLite3 Contributors.
- SQLite: Public Domain by D. Richard Hipp and
- The below packages in the container are: GPL-3.0-or-later