KaMinPar is a shared-memory parallel tool to heuristically solve the graph partitioning problem: divide a graph into k disjoint blocks of roughly equal weight while minimizing the number of edges between blocks. Competing algorithms are mostly evaluated for small values of k. If k is large, they often compute highly imbalance solutions, solutions of low quality or suffer excessive running time. KaMinPar substantially mitigates these problems. It computes partitions of comparable quality to other high-quality graph partitioning tools while guaranteeing the balance constraint for unweighted input graphs. Moreover, for large values of k, it is an order of magnitude faster than competing algorithms.
- Compiler: C++20-ready GCC or Clang compiler
- Dependencies: CMake, Intel TBB, MPI (optional)
- System: Linux (x86, ARM) or macOS (ARM)
After cloning the repository, make sure to initialize the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then, follow the standard CMake build procedure:
cmake -B build --preset=default
cmake --build build --parallel
To partition a graph in METIS format (see, e.g., the KaHIP manual), run:
# KaMinPar: shared-memory partitioning
./build/apps/KaMinPar [-P default|terapart|strong|largek] -G <graph filename> -k <number of blocks> -t <nproc> [-o <output partition>]
# dKaMinPar: distributed partitioning
mpirun -n <nproc> ./build/apps/dKaMinPar [-P default|strong|xterapart] -G <graph filename> -k <number of blocks> [-o <output partition>]
The computed partition is written to a text file, where the n-th line contains the block ID (0-based) of the n-th vertex.
There are multiple configuration presets that tune the algorithm for different scenarios:
-P default
: fast partitioning with quality comparable to Metis-P terapart
: same partition quality asdefault
, but with reduced memory consumption (slightly slower)-P strong
: better quality thandefault
at the cost of increased runtime-P largek
: faster for large values of k (e.g., k > 1024); may reduce partition quality for smaller k
Configuration presets can be inspected using the --dump-config
To build a custom configuration, dump one of the presets to a file, modify it and load it using -C <filename>
./build/KaMinPar -P terapart --dump-config > custom.ini
# ... modify custom.ini ...
./build/KaMinPar -C custom.ini <...>
If you are using CMake, you can use the partitioners as libraries by adding this repository as a Git submodule to your project and including it in your CMake configuration:
target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::KaMinPar) # Shared-memory partitioning
target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::dKaMinPar) # Distributed partitioning
Alternatively, you can use FetchContent
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/KaHIP/KaMinPar.git
GIT_TAG main)
target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::KaMinPar) # Shared-memory partitioning
target_link_libraries(<your-target> PUBLIC KaMinPar::dKaMinPar) # Distributed partitioning
Then, call the libraries as follows:
#include <kaminpar-shm/kaminpar.h>
#include <kaminpar-dist/dkaminpar.h>
using namespace kaminpar;
// Call the shared-memory partitioner:
KaMinPar shm(int num_threads, shm::create_default_context());
// KaMinPar::reseed(int seed);
shm.borrow_and_mutate_graph(NodeID n, EdgeID *xadj, NodeID *adjncy, NodeWeight *vwgt = nullptr, EdgeWeight *adjwgt = nullptr);
// alternatively: shm.copy_graph(n, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, adjwgt); will work on a copy of the graph
shm.compute_partition(BlockID number_of_blocks, double epsilon, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);
// alternatively: shm.compute_partition(std::vector<BlockWeight> max_block_weights, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);
// Note: you must ensure that the total max block weight is larger than the total node weight of the graph
// Call the distributed partitioner:
dKaMinPar dist(MPI_Comm comm, int num_threads, dist::create_default_context());
// dKaMinPar::reseed(int seed);
dist.copy_graph(GlobalNodeID *vtxdist, GlobalEdgeID *xadj, GlobalNodeID *adjncy, GlobalNodeWeight *vwvgt = nullptr, GlobalEdgeWeight *adjwgt = nullptr);
dist.compute_partition(BlockID number_of_blocks, double epsilon, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);
// alternatively: dist.compute_partition(std::vector<BlockWeight> max_block_weights, std::span<BlockID> out_partition);
// Note: you must ensure that the total max block weight is larger than the total node weight of the graph
More examples can be found in the examples/
KaMinPar is free software provided under the MIT license. If you use KaMinPar in an academic setting, please cite the appropriate publication(s) listed below.
// KaMinPar
author = {Lars Gottesb{\"{u}}ren and
Tobias Heuer and
Peter Sanders and
Christian Schulz and
Daniel Seemaier},
title = {Deep Multilevel Graph Partitioning},
booktitle = {29th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, {ESA} 2021},
series = {LIPIcs},
volume = {204},
pages = {48:1--48:17},
publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"{u}}r Informatik},
year = {2021},
url = {https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2021.48},
doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ESA.2021.48}
// dKaMinPar (distributed KaMinPar)
author = {Sanders, Peter and Seemaier, Daniel},
title = {Distributed Deep Multilevel Graph Partitioning},
booktitle = {Euro-Par 2023: Parallel Processing},
year = {2023},
publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
pages = {443--457},
isbn = {978-3-031-39698-4}
// [x]TeraPart (memory-efficient [d]KaMinPar)
title={Tera-Scale Multilevel Graph Partitioning},
author={Daniel Salwasser and Daniel Seemaier and Lars Gottesbüren and Peter Sanders},