Description | Installation | Usage | Mapping | Commands | Settings | Notes
Zeavim allows to use the offline documentation browser Zeal from Vim.
- Search for word under cursor, visual selection or the result of a motion/text-object.
- Search without losing focus in GNU/Linux.
- Narrow search with a docset or a query.
- Allow using multiple docsets.
- Docset names completion.
- Define you own docsets using patterns.
- Work on GNU/Linux and Windows.
To use zeavim, you need of course to have Zeal installed. Grab it from here and install it .
Install the distributed files into Vim runtime directory which is usually ~/.vim/
, or $HOME/vimfiles
on Windows.
With Vim-plug:
Plug 'KabbAmine/zeavim.vim'
There are 3 ways of using zeavim:
Search for the word under cursor or the current visual selection with the docset defined automatically+.
Act like an operator and search for the result of a motion/text-object with the docset defined automatically+ (e.g.
will search for the inner Word). -
Narrow search with a docset+ and a query (A default docset is provided).
- Multiple docsets can be defined, just separate them by a comma.
- Docset name(s) can be completed using
+ The current file type by default.
Use the following to change the mappings:
nmap <leader>z <Plug>Zeavim
vmap <leader>z <Plug>ZVVisSelection
nmap gz <Plug>ZVOperator
nmap <leader><leader>z <Plug>ZVKeyDocset
N.B: The old <Plug>ZVMotion
is still available to maintain compatibility.
:Zeavim " NORMAL mode (The same as <Plug>Zeavim)
:ZeavimV " VISUAL mode (The same as <Plug>ZVVisSelection)
:Zeavim! " Ask for docset and query (The same as <Plug>ZVKeyDocset)
N.B: The commands ZvV
and ZVKeyDocset
are still available to maintain compatibility with older versions of the plugin.
If you need a lazy way to specify a docset(s), you can use the command above.
As an example, I'm working on a scss
file but I want to get compass
documentation when using Zeavim, so I just need to specify manually this docset:
Docset compass
Then Zeavim only for the current buffer will use compass
as a docset.
To set back the initial docset, a simple Docset
without argument is enough.
- Note that you can define multiple docsets here, separated by comma(s).
- The docset name(s) can be completed.
Please refer to the doc file for a full description of the options.
- Define location of zeal's executable.default:
let g:zv_zeal_executable = has('win32') \ ? $ProgramFiles . '\Zeal\zeal.exe' \ : 'zeal'
- Map specific regex patterns (file names, file types or file extensions) to docset(s).default:
let g:zv_file_types = { \ 'scss': 'sass', \ 'sh' : 'bash', \ 'tex' : 'latex' \ }
let g:zv_file_types = { \ 'css' : 'css,foundation', \ '.htaccess' : 'apache_http_server', \ '\v^(G|g)runt\.' : 'gulp,javascript,nodejs', \ '\v^(G|g)ulpfile\.' : 'grunt', \ '\v^(md|mdown|mkd|mkdn)$' : 'markdown', \ }
- Disable default mappings.default:
- Set in which order and which criteria should be used when trying to match a pattern ing:zv_file_types
default: ['file', 'ext', 'ft']
" Find matching pattern to the file type only:
let g:zv_get_docset_by = ['ft']
" Find matching pattern to the extension first, then to the file name
" and finally to the type.
let g:zv_get_docset_by = ['ext', 'file', 'ft']
- Directory where are stored zeal's docsets for command completion purpose.default:
let g:zv_docsets_dir = has('win32') \ ? $LOCALAPPDATA . '\Zeal\Zeal\docsets' \ : $HOME . '/.local/share/Zeal/Zeal/docsets'
- Keep or not the focus on vim after executing zeal (Needwmtcrl
to be installed and works only on GNU/Linux).default:
nmap gzz <Plug>Zeavim
vmap gzz <Plug>ZVVisSelection
nmap <leader>z <Plug>ZVKeyDocset
nmap gZ <Plug>ZVKeyDocset<CR>
nmap gz <Plug>ZVOperator
let g:zv_keep_focus = 0
let g:zv_file_types = {
\ 'help' : 'vim',
\ 'javascript' : 'javascript,nodejs',
\ 'python' : 'python_3',
\ '\v^(G|g)ulpfile\.js' : 'gulp,javascript,nodejs',
\ }
let g:zv_zeal_args = g:has_unix ? '--style=gtk+' : ''
Zeavim was my first vim plugin and it was created in the beginning for a personal use, so please feel free to report issues and submit PR.
Thanks to Jerzy Kozera for creating such wonderful open-source application.
Thanks to Bram Moolenaar for creating the best piece of software in the world ❤️
Thanks to you if you're using zeavim.