A wrapper around PTY functionality for both Linux and macOS
In progress. Functionality may be limited.
A PsudeoTerminal creates a PTY on the system, which can then be connected to for read/write. Included is a convenience initializer for Process that does the connect/disconnect for you, and let you send input and listen/expect output for automation purposes.
For example, this can be used to do some basic automation of a shell.
let executableUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/sh")
let terminal = try PsudeoTerminal()
let process = Process(executableUrl, arguments: [], terminal: terminal)
try process.run()
try terminal.sendLine("whoami")
let result = terminal.expect(NSUserName(), timeout: 10.0) // Timeout after 10 seconds.
guard result != .noMatch else {
print("Command didn't behave as expected")
Another approach is that you can use the FileHandle to create connections yourself.
let terminal = try PsudeoTerminal()
let channel = try terminal.connect()
let bootstrap = NIOPipeBootstrap(group: eventLoop)
.channelInitializer { channel in /* ... */ }
// Must duplicate descriptor to avoid NIO closing the PTY handle directly.
.takingOwnershipOfDescriptor(inputOutput: dup(channel.fileDescriptor))
// When finished, you will need to close the channel: