主讲: 闫令琪
课程主页: https://games-cn.org/intro-graphics/
B 站回放: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1X7411F744
- Lecture 1 概论
- Lecture 2 线性代数复习
- Lecture 3 Transformation - 模型变换
- Lecture 4 Transformation - 观测变换
- Lecture 5 Rasterization - 三角形
- Lecture 6 Rasterization - 反走样与深度测试
- Lecture 7 Shading - Blinn-Phong反射模型
- Lecture 8 Shading - 着色&管线&纹理
- Lecture 9 Shading - 纹理
- Lecture 10 Geometry - 几何表示
- Lecture 11 Geometry - 曲线与曲面
- Lecture 12 Geometry - 曲面操作与阴影
- Lecture 13 Ray Tracing - Whitted-Style光线追踪
- Lecture 14 Ray Tracing - 辐射度量学
- Lecture 15 Ray Tracing - 光线传播
- Lecture 16 Ray Tracing - 蒙特卡洛路径追踪
- Lecture 17 Materials and Appearances
- Lecture 18 Materials and Appearances
- Lecture 19 Cameras Lenses
- Lecture 20 Light Fields, Color and Perception
- Lecture 21 Animation and Simulation
- Lecture 22 Animation and Simulation
- 合并版