An AI capable CLI tool for keeping a personal dictionary.
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [-d DB_FILE] [--ai-mode] [-a AI_IDS_FILE] [-k AI_KEY_FILE]
A CLI based personal dictionary.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DB_FILE, --db-file DB_FILE
Path to the DB file. Default to ${CLIDICTIONARY_DIR}/cli.db
--ai-mode Enable AI assitant.
-a AI_IDS_FILE, --ai-ids-file AI_IDS_FILE
Path to the AI API IDs. Default to ${CLIDICTIONARY_DIR}/openai.json
-k AI_KEY_FILE, --ai-key-file AI_KEY_FILE
Path to the AI API key. Default to ${CLIDICTIONARY_DIR}/api_key
Set the logging level
This will open an interactive shell.
>>> a
(Input word to add) Päivä
(Input meaning) day
>>> s
(Input word to search) Päivä
(found with meaning) day
>>> l
Word Meaning
--------------- ----------
päivä day
>>> r
(Input word to delete) päivä
(confirm: delete päivä? y/N) y
>>> q
AI Mode is based on OpenAI
>>> ai
(What would you like to ask from the AI?)
AI Mode is only available when specifying "--ai-mode" when running the
By default, AI Mode reads config from openai.json and api_key
{"projectId":"$project_id", "organizationId": "$organizationId"}
- openai