FLAReS (Full-sky Lensing with Adaptive Resolution Shells) provides a python package for full-sky weak lensing simulations with non-Gaussianity analysis.
- Construct spherical lens shell from Nbody boxes.
- Efficient Nboy box arrangement for lens shells in differnt redshift.
- Measure non-Gaussianity parameters (Skewness & Kurtosis) of lensing maps either locally or globally.
To install FLAReS, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the package and install it using pip
pip install .
A quarter cross-section view (to scale) of one of the example lens shell arrangements for CMB lensing simulation. The shells are distinguished by different colors, and the grid represents the scaled N-body box
N-body box stacking strategies for constructing one of the lensing shells.
This section provides a step-by-step guide for generating, running, and processing N-body simulations, shell construction, and lensing calculations using FLAReS.
The parameter file parameter.ini
contains all the required simulation and analysis parameters. Ensure this file is prepared before proceeding to the next steps.
Examples for the parameter file are provided in the FLAReS/param
Run the following command to generate the necessary files, including shell arrangement and N-body configuration files for Gadget-4
python gen_Nbody_run.py -p parameter.ini
- Shell arrangement files for your simulation.
- N-body configuration files required to run
The generated N-body configuration files and related data will be stored in:
If running on a PBS cluster, example job scripts are available at:
Submit the PBS job to the cluster system:
qsub example_script.pbs
To construct the lensing shell, run:
python shell_run.py -p parameter.ini
- Lensing shell maps will be generated in the following directory:
Generate shell thickness corrections to account for the effects of finite shell thickness:
python shell_thickness_correction.py -p parameter.ini
The correction data will be stored in spherical harmonic space within the corresponding shell directory.
Perform lensing calculations with either post-Born corrections or the Born approximation.
python lensing_post-Born_run.py -p parameter.ini
python lensing_post-Born_run.py -p parameter.ini
If you use FLAReS in your research, please cite it as follows:
author = "Hamann, Jan and Kang, Yuqi",
title = "{Non-Gaussianity in CMB lensing from full-sky simulations}",
eprint = "2411.02774",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "astro-ph.CO",
month = "11",
year = "2024"
Yuqi Kang