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This package allows you to emulate arbitrary TON smart contracts, send messages to them and run get methods on them as if they were deployed on a real network.

The key difference of this package from ton-contract-executor is the fact that the latter only emulates the compute phase of the contract - it does not know about any other phases and thus does not know anything about fees and balances (in a sense that it does not know whether a contract's balance will be enough to process all the out messages that it produces). On the other hand, this package emulates all the phases of a contract, and as a result, the emulation is much closer to what would happen in a real network.


Requires node 16 or higher.

yarn add @ton/sandbox ton @ton/core ton-crypto


npm i @ton/sandbox ton @ton/core ton-crypto


To use this package, you need to create an instance of the Blockchain class using the static method Blockchain.create as follows:

import { Blockchain } from "@ton/sandbox";

const blockchain = await Blockchain.create()

After that, you can use the low level methods on Blockchain (such as sendMessage) to emulate any messages that you want, but the recommended way to use it is to write wrappers for your contract using the Contract interface from ton-core. Then you can use blockchain.openContract on instances of such contracts, and they will be wrapped in a Proxy that will supply a ContractProvider as a first argument to all its methods starting with either get or send. Also all send methods will get Promisified and will return results of running the blockchain message queue along with the original method's result in the result field.

A good example of this is the treasury contract that is basically a built-in highload wallet meant to help you write tests for your systems of smart contracts. When blockchain.treasury is called, an instance of TreasuryContract is created and blockchain.openContract is called to "open" it. After that, when you call treasury.send, Blockchain automatically supplies the first provider argument.

For your own contracts, you can draw inspiration from the contracts in the examples - all of them use the provider.internal method to send internal messages using the treasuries passed in from the unit test file. Here is an excerpt of that from NftItem.ts:

import { Address, beginCell, Cell, Contract, ContractProvider, Sender, toNano, Builder } from "ton-core";

class NftItem implements Contract {
    async sendTransfer(provider: ContractProvider, via: Sender, params: {
        value?: bigint
        to: Address
        responseTo?: Address
        forwardAmount?: bigint
        forwardBody?: Cell | Builder
    }) {
        await provider.internal(via, {
            value: params.value ?? toNano('0.05'),
            body: beginCell()
                .storeUint(0x5fcc3d14, 32) // op
                .storeUint(0, 64) // query id
                .storeBit(false) // custom payload
                .storeCoins(params.forwardAmount ?? 0n)

When you call nftItem.sendTransfer(treasury.getSender(), { to: recipient }) (with nftItem being an "opened" instance of NftItem), an external message to the wallet represented by treasury will be pushed onto the message queue, then processed, generating an internal message to the NFT contract.

Here is another excerpt that shows the way to interact with get methods from wrappers:

import { Contract, ContractProvider } from "ton-core";

export type NftItemData = {
    inited: boolean
    index: number
    collection: Address | null
    owner: Address | null
    content: Cell | null

class NftItem implements Contract {
    async getData(provider: ContractProvider): Promise<NftItemData> {
        const { stack } = await provider.get('get_nft_data', [])
        return {
            inited: stack.readBoolean(),
            index: stack.readNumber(),
            collection: stack.readAddressOpt(),
            owner: stack.readAddressOpt(),
            content: stack.readCellOpt(),

When you call nftItem.getData() (note that just like in the sendTransfer method, you don't need to supply the provider argument - it's done for you on "opened" instances), the provider will query the smart contract contained in blockchain and parse the data according to the code. Note that unlike the send methods, get methods on "opened" instances will return the original result as-is to the caller.


  • All of the methods of contracts that you want to "open" that start with get or send NEED to accept provider: ContractProvider as a first argument (even if not used) due to how the wrapper works.
  • You can open any contract at any address, even if it is not yet deployed or was deployed by a "parent" opened contract. The only requirement is that the address field (required by the Contract interface) is the address of the contract that you want to open, and that init is present if you want to deploy using methods on the opened instance (in other cases, init is not necessary).
  • Ideally, at most one call to either provider.internal or provider.external should be made within a send method. Otherwise, you may get hard to interpret (but generally speaking correct) results.
  • No calls to provider.external or provider.internal should be made within get methods. Otherwise, you will get weird and wrong results in the following send methods of any contract.

Writing tests

You can install additional @ton/test-utils package by running yarn add @ton/test-utils -D or npm i --save-dev @ton/test-utils (with .toHaveTransaction for jest or .transaction or .to.have.transaction for chai matcher) to add additional helpers for ease of testing. Don't forget to import them in your unit test files though!

Here is an excerpt of how it's used in the NFT collection example mentioned above:

const buyResult = await buyer.send({
    to: sale.address,
    value: price + toNano('1'),
    sendMode: SendMode.PAY_GAS_SEPARATELY,

    from: sale.address,
    to: marketplace.address,
    value: fee,
    from: sale.address,
    to: collection.address,
    value: fee,

(in that example jest is used)

The matcher supports the following fields:

export type FlatTransaction = {
    from?: Address
    to: Address
    value?: bigint
    body: Cell
    initData?: Cell
    initCode?: Cell
    deploy: boolean
    lt: bigint
    now: number
    outMessagesCount: number
    oldStatus: AccountStatus
    endStatus: AccountStatus
    totalFees?: bigint
    aborted?: boolean
    destroyed?: boolean
    exitCode?: number
    success?: boolean

But you can omit those you're not interested in, and you can also pass in functions accepting those types returning booleans (true meaning good) to check for example number ranges, message opcodes, etc. Note however that if a field is optional (like from?: Address), then the function needs to accept the optional type, too.

Viewing logs

Blockchain and SmartContract use LogsVerbosity to determine what kinds of logs to print. Here is the definition:

type LogsVerbosity = {
    print: boolean
    blockchainLogs: boolean
    vmLogs: Verbosity
    debugLogs: boolean

type Verbosity = 'none' | 'vm_logs' | 'vm_logs_full'

Setting verbosity on SmartContracts works like an override with respect to what is set on Blockchain.

debugLogs is enabled by default on the Blockchain instance (so every SmartContract that does not have debugLogs overridden will print debug logs), other kinds of logs are turned off.

print determines whether to console.log all the non-empty logs (if set to false, logs will be collected but will only be exposed in the return values of methods on Blockchain and SmartContract, and not printed to console), defaults to true on the Blockchain instance.

'vm_logs' prints the log of every instruction that was executed, 'vm_logs_full' also includes code cell hashes, locations, and stack information for every instruction executed.

To override verbosity on a specific contract, use await blockchain.setVerbosityForAddress(targetAddress, verbosity), for example:

await blockchain.setVerbosityForAddress(targetAddress, {
    blockchainLogs: true,
    vmLogs: 'vm_logs',

After that, the target contract will be using debugLogs from the Blockchain instance to determine whether to print debug logs, but will always print VM logs and blockchain logs.

To set global verbosity, use the blockchain.verbosity setter, for example:

blockchain.verbosity = {
    blockchainLogs: true,
    vmLogs: 'none',
    debugLogs: false,

Note that unlike with setVerbosityForAddress, with this setter you have to specify all the values from LogsVerbosity.

Setting smart contract state directly

If you want to test some behavior on a contract if it had specific code, data, and other state fields, but do not want to execute all the required transactions for that, you can directly set the full state of the contract as it is stored in sandbox by using this method on the Blockchain instance:

async setShardAccount(address: Address, account: ShardAccount)

There are 2 helpers exported from sandbox that can help you create the ShardAccount from the common properties: createEmptyShardAccount and createShardAccount.

Note that this is a low-level function and does not check any invariants, such as that the address passed as the argument matches the one that is present in the ShardAccount, meaning it is possible to break stuff if you're not careful when using it.

Network/Block configuration

By default, this package will use its stored network configuration to emulate messages. However, you can set any configuration you want when creating the Blockchain instance by passing the configuration cell in the optional params argument in the config field.


Special thanks to @dungeon-master-666 for their C++ code of the emulator.

Special thanks to @TrueCarry for their help with performance and other suggestions.


This package is released under the MIT License.


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