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The project does a multi-volume ray casting based on the 
Visualization Toolkit. This document gives some information 
about the project. The project also includes a demo for testing 

a) Main Changes in vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper 

Since the original vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper is designed 
for single volume rendering, it uses only one volume dataset 
and one volume property as its input which are connected to 
vtkVolumeMapper and vtkVolume respectively (see fig. 1). 

Figure 1 Relations between the new mappers and other classes in the 
proposed multi-volume ray caster 

The first change to have a multi-volume renderer is that the 
mapper must have direct access to all volume properties and 
datasets. Hence vtkVolumeProperty and vtkDataSet are 
connected to the new vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper for 
rendering all input volumes. Figure 1 shows the connections 
between the new vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper and 
vtkVolumeProperty as well as vtkDataSet. 

New class members have been added to vtkGPU-
MultiVolumeRayCastMapper for setting and getting the 
additional datasets and properties. Table 1 shows the function 
prototype of new methods in the class. 


Table 1 New methods for vtkGPUMultiVolumeRayCastMapper 

b) Main Changes in vtkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper 

vtkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper is the core class of 
the ray casting method in VTK. This class is responsible for 
allocating and transferring the volume data sets into the GPU 
texture memory and afterward calls the GPU shaders with the 
appropriate parameters for rendering the volumes. 
Subsequently, the methods which are dealing with volume 
dataset and volume properties (color and opacity data) are 
changed to handle more than one volume. These methods are 
LoadScalarFields, UpdateOpacityTransfer-Function, 
RenderSubVolume, BuildProgram and Render-

Another significant change in this class is adding a new 
class member called TextureCoord_1toN[] which is an array 
of vtkTransform. This array is used in RenderClipped-
BoundingBox method and it holds transform matrices which 
converts the texture coordinates of the first volume to all the 
other volumes by applying the following equation for each 
additional volume:  [EQUATION]

As the equation indicates, three components are used to 
create the final transformation matrix for each additional 
dataset. and are the transformation from world 
coordinates to the first and Nth texture coordinates 
respectively. is an user defined transformation matrix 
and it gives the possibility of freely transforming (scaling, 
rotating and moving) each additional volume during runtime. 
can be updated and retrieved by using 
SetAdditionalInputUserTransform() and 
GetAdditionalInputUserTransform() which are implemented 
in vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper. The array 
TextureCoord_1toN[] is latter sent to the shader uniform 
variable with the name of P1toPN[]. 

The initializing functions of clipping and cropping are also 
implemented in this class. The prototypes of these methods 
are presented in table 2. It is apparent from the signature of 
the functions that clipping and cropping can be separately 
applied to different volumes by user request. The user can 
assign up to six planes for cropping and also allocate a single 
clipping plane. 

Table 2 Function prototype for implemented clipping and cropping 
methods in vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper 

Similar to other parts of the code, clipping and cropping 
functions perform initialization of the actual clipping and 
cropping; the core part of the clipping and cropping is 
implemented in shader code to be run on the GPU. For 
instance, AddClippingPlane() allocates and initialize a plane 
(consist of an origin point in space and a normal vector) for 
the selected volume and then just before the rendering of the 
volume, the initialized planes are converted from the world 
coordinate system to texture coordinate system. The 
converted planes are passed to the appropriate shaders by 
using the uniform variables. A similar procedure applies to 
SetCroppingRegionPlanes() for cropping. 


c) Main changes in GLSL shaders 

Nowadays, programmable GPUs are used for general 
algorithms that can be run in parallel. There are different ways 
to use GPUs for general purpose programming.. Using 
shaders is one of the very first methods that facilitate GPU 
programing. Shaders are basically small programs that can be 
used as part of the standard GPU pipeline. This enables users 
to use GPUs for more general purposes and design a shader 
according to their needs. 

The VTK ray casting method also uses shaders for running 
the GPU codes. The benefits of using shaders compared to 
newer technologies like OpenCL are: 1) shaders are faster, 
and 2) it is supported by more devices (i.e. GPUs). Therefore, 
the proposed multi-volume ray caster is implemented using 
shaders. Table 3 illustrates the names of GLSL shaders which 
are changed to realize a multi volume ray caster; the first three 
shaders have minor changes and the last two have major 
changes (vtkGPUVolumeRay-CastMapper_ShadeFS and 


Table 3 List of changed GLSL shaders 
If shading of volumes is desired for the ray casting, 
vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_ShadeFS performs the 
shading of the volumes. In the modified version of this 
shader, the shading method remains similar to the original 
VTK shader. The main change in this shader is applied in the 
InitShade() function; by using P1toPN (texture coordinate 
from the first volume to the other volumes) the increments of 
x, y and z are computed according to the corrected position of 
each volume. 

vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper_CompositeFS is the 
shader which creates the final color for each pixel on the 
screen. The ray traversal, collecting samples and a-blending 
all take place in this shader. Moreover, since this shader has 
the authority for deciding which samples should be included 
in the final pixel color, clipping and cropping are 
implemented on this shader. 

When all the needed variable and parameters are calculated 
by the rest of the program, the trace() function is called as the 
last function of ray casting method to calculate the final pixel 
color and pixel opacity (i.e. gl_FragColor and 
gl_FragColor.a) for all pixels in the viewport. Inside the 
function there is a while loop which does the ray traversal 
through all the volumes. The initial position of the ray for the 
first volume is already calculated and is available in the pos 
variable. The first change in order to achieve multi-volume 
rendering is to calculate the initial position of the ray for other 
volumes. This is achieved by multiplication of P1toPN[] (see 
the previous section) and pos; the results are kept in an array 
called posX[] for each extra volume. As the ray traverse 
through the volumes, pos and posX[] is updated according to 
the ray direction (rayDir). After the position of the ray for 
each volume is obtained, the position of the ray is tested 
against the volume bounding box to check whether the ray is 
still inside the volume or not. lowBouands[] and 
highBounds[] are keeping the bounding box informations of 
each volume (cropping of each volume is also attained by 
modifying those variables). Afterward, the clipping flags are 
tested, if the ray position is not inside the clipped part of the 
volume, the ray position of the volume is sampled from the 
first to the last volume and according to the front to back a-
blending formula: 


A multi-volume ray casting within VTK






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  • C++ 94.3%
  • GLSL 4.6%
  • Other 1.1%