- Pro
CameraK Public
A camera library for Compose Multiplatform
yek Public
Forked from bodo-run/yekA fast tool to read text-based files in a repository or directory, chunk them, and serialize them for LLM consumption.
Rust MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2025 -
Momentum Public
Forked from MwaiBanda/MomentumAndroid, iOS & iPadOS payments & video streaming apps built w/ SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose, the apps persist data locally w/ SQLDelight and Remote w/ Prostgres, Payments w/ Stripe and Caching
Voyant Public
An extension library for voyager and Navigation Compose to use native iOS navigation from Compose multiplatform
Calf Public
Forked from MohamedRejeb/CalfCalf is a library that allows you to easily create adaptive UIs and access platform specific APIs with Compose Multiplatform (Adaptive UI, File Picker, WebView, Permissions...).
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 28, 2024 -
native ios navigation for compose multiplatform using kotlin Objc Interop
XrPlayground Public
Android XR sdk playground, trying out AR camera, 3d Model viewer, apps and more.
Kotlin UpdatedDec 15, 2024 -
KMMNewsAPP Public template
Kotlin multi platform project template and sample app with everything shared except the UI. Built with clean architecture + MVI
This is a Kotlin-based project that leverages Jetpack/Muliplatform Compose for building modern, native UI. It includes a custom Material theme with extended color palettes, typography, and spacing,…
Coil3-Compose-Multiplatform Public
Coil 3 with memory and disk cache for compose multiplatform
KMPMovies Public
A Compose multiplatform app, with a focus on architecture and platform specific views/features
voyager Public
Forked from adrielcafe/voyager🛸 A pragmatic navigation library for Jetpack Compose
aws-sdk-kotlin Public
Forked from awslabs/aws-sdk-kotlinMultiplatform AWS SDK for Kotlin
Searchify Public
A Jetpack compose based sample app
AnimatedFABMenu Public
Forked from rajaumair7890/AnimatedFABMenuA Custom Android UI component, Build with Jetpack Compose, allows you to add a beautiful material 3 designed floating menu, which can be shown or hidden with beautiful animations by pressing the at…
Bubdus Public
A work in progress Expense manager for IOS and Android, wasm will be supported later on
Kotlin UpdatedAug 5, 2024 -
This repository demonstrates how you can track lifecycle updates from ios and android in common main
OCR app with entity extraction with mlkit and camerax
KMPTemplate Public template
A KMP Template targeting Multiplatform Compose Android, IOS and Desktop. Get started with zero effort.
This is an example of adding video player to Compose multiplatform ios, android and desktop