Tarsier -- a family of large-scale video-language models, which is designed to generate high-quality video descriptions , together with good capability of general video understanding.
A PyTorch Library for Multi-Task Learning
[NeurIPS'23 Spotlight] Official Repo for "Extraction and recovery of spatio-temporal structure in latent dynamics alignment with diffusion models"
Official implementation of "Multi-Task Learning as a Bargaining Game" [ICML 2022]
source code for “Preference-Adaptive Meta-Learning for Cold-Start Recommendation” (IJCAI 2021)
Codes and datasets for NeurIPS21 paper “Towards Open-World Feature Extrapolation: An Inductive Graph Learning Approach”
Pytorch implementation of paper 'GraphSMOTE: Imbalanced Node Classification on Graphs with Graph Neural Networks' to appear on WSDM2021
leetcode一些热门题型的python代码,包括输入输出。leetcode of hot, which Includes input and output.
📄 适合中文的简历模板收集(LaTeX,HTML/JS and so on)由 @hoochanlon 维护
Code of our paper "Attribute Graph Neural Networks for Strict Cold Start Recommendation" accepted by TKDE 2020.
Source code from the CIKM 2019 article "Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders for Directed Link Prediction" by G. Salha, S. Limnios, R. Hennequin, V.A. Tran and M. Vazirgiannis
Cold Start Similar Artists Ranking with Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders (RecSys 2021)
Source code from the KDD 2021 article "A Semi-Personalized System for User Cold Start Recommendation on Music Streaming Apps" by L. Briand, G. Salha-Galvan, W. Bendada, M. Morlon and V.A. Tran
This is the notes of the way of machine learning study. You may find something useful in it.
Autorec (Autoencoders Meet Collaborative Filtering)
Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
PyGCL: A PyTorch Library for Graph Contrastive Learning