ofxActionManager is a port of the action system used by Cocos2dx.
The usage is pretty much the same as Cocos2dx. The only difference is All the actions work on ActionTarget
so you need to use that, or inherit it for Actions.
You can read about actions here
void ofApp::update()
const float delta = ofGetLastFrameTime();
void ofApp::draw()
ofCircle(target.getPositon(), 20);
void ofApp::mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button)
auto seq = Sequence::create(EaseBounceOut::create(MoveTo::create(1, ofVec2f(x, y))), CallFunc::create([]() {
std::cout << "Hey Sequence!\n";
}), nullptr);
- Sequence
- Repeat
- RepeatForever
- Spawn
- RotateTo
- RotateBy
- MoveBy
- MoveTo
- SkewTo
- SkewBy
- JumpBy
- JumpTo
- BezierBy
- BezierTo
- ScaleTo
- ScaleBy
- Blink
- FadeTo
- FadeIn
- FadeOut
- TintTo
- TintBy
- DelayTime
- ReverseTime
- Animate
- TargetedAction
- ActionFloat
- ActionVec3
- ActionVec4
- Show
- Hide
- ToggleVisibility
- RemoveSelf
- FlipX
- FlipY
- Place
- CallFunc
- CallFuncN
- EaseExponentialInOut
- EaseExponentialOut
- EaseIn
- EaseInOut
- EaseOut
- EaseQuadratic
- EaseQuartic
- EaseQuintic
- EaseSineIn
- EaseSineInOut
- EaseSineOut
- EaseBack
- EaseBezierAction
- EaseBounce
- EaseCircle
- EaseCubic
- EaseElastic
- EaseExponentialIn