- A software developer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Have 4 years+ of hands-on experience in software development, and team management
- Developed products for fintech, retail, and Restaurants business domains.
- Have built native, hybrid, and web apps targeting multi-platform and cross-platform ecosystems in MVVM architectures.
- 🏢 Working at Genuity Systems as a Software Engineer.
- 👨💻 Writing
. - 🌍 Mostly active on
and the Android , Flutter community.
- 📚 Currently learning about clean architecture, Restarted Algorithms basics.
- 🛠️ Working on Audio Video Call, Locations, Security, Machine Learning Using MLKIT professionally.
- 👯 Looking to collaborate on Android , Flutter projects.
- 🥰 Building Happy-Shopping as a hobby.
- 💬 Ask me about
web APIs
design patterns
data structures
coding speed hacks in android
clean code
choice of frameworks
andtech culture
📈 Competitive Programming
🖥 Front-end:
- 📜 Languages: •
🧙🏻 Java
•👨🏭 XML
•👨🔧 Kotlin
•🧚🏻♂️ Dart
•👨🏻🎨 JavaScript
- 🔬 Frameworks:
🖥 Desktop: • Windows Forms. NET
- 📜 Languages: •
🗄️ Back-end:
- 📜 Languages: •
🧙🏻♂️ JavaScript( NodeJS )
- 🔭 Frameworks: • Express
- 💾 Databases: • MySql • SQLite • Hive • SharedPreferences
- 🎛 System architecture: • Monolithic
- 🔌 Communication protocols: • REST • Web Socket
- 📜 Languages: •
🎡 Software development ecosystem:
- 📁 Code repository: • Git • BitBucket
- 🗃 Project management: • Trello Boards
- 🗂 CI/CD: • Github Actions
🧙♂️ Coding pattern & principles:
🧙♂ Libraries: • Firebase • Retrofit • HTTP • Agora • RxDart • Google Map
🏗️ Code editors & IDE: • Android Studio • Xcode • Postman • IntellIJ Idea For Java
- 😎 I love to speak really good english, discuss new ideas, and make people smile.
- 🧐 I love to be very precise and thorough.
- ✍️ I write about why a certain code is written instead of what in the comments.
- ⏱️ I'm a workaholic and drink a lot of ☕ coffee.
- 😅 I just can't resist the urge to explore a new tech released in the Android ecosystem.