Tags: Kazake/facebook-php-sdk
Merge pull request facebookarchive#57 from kilotaras/vulnerability_bug Fixed a vulnerability with signed requests
Upgraded to version 3.0.1. Unit tests can be run from the command line using: phpunit --colors --coverage-html coverage --verbose --stderr --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/tests.php Changes: + Added a new bootstrap file (as bootstrap.php) that helps the unit tests run more smoothly. + Allow for the possibility that session_start has already been called prior to construction of a Facebook class. + Updated the app-secret unit test to confirm that Desktop applications require a user access token to get insights. + Make sure that current URLs like /example.php?a=b&c=&d retain their structure (don't strip or introduce an equals sign for valueless GET params), and added unit tests to exercise this. + CSRF state is now managed using the persistent store instead of cookies.
Updated to use access tokens instead of sessions internally. This implies many changes to the storage scheme, which is why it is a major revision. Upgrading from a previous version should change most getSession() calls to getUser() which returns a User's ID instead of a session object. See: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/503