- A beautiful and powerful music player
- Configurable tabs,include song,artist,album,folder,playlist
- Auto download album&artist cover
- Online,local,embedded lyric,and you can set priority for lyrics search
- Line control
- Desktop lyric and Widget
- Android oreo notification
- Screen lock
- Custom theme
- Auto scan media library,or you can scan folder manually
- Other useful features you would expect from a music player,such as sleep timer,song editor,equalizer and so on
- RxJava
- RxAndroid
- Rxpermissions
- Retrofit
- Butter Knife
- Timber
- Leakcanary
- Rebound
- Material-dialogs
- Android-crop
- TinyPinyin
- Pull request is welcome
- I'll be appreciate if you star
- If you have any question,you can send email to [email protected],open an issue or join tg group