Unsupervised Image-to-Video Adaptation via Category-aware Flow Memory Bank and Realistic Video Generation
This is the official code for ACM MM 2024 (CCF-A) paper: Unsupervised Image-to-Video Adaptation via Category-aware Flow Memory Bank and Realistic Video Generation.
We are interest in training a video model using labeled images and unlabeled videos to classify unlabeled videos.
We firstly use a three-dimensional camera motion engine to convert the still images from source domain into realistic videos, mitigating the modality discrepancies between images and videos. Then, our proposed Category-aware Flow Memory Bank(CFB) replaces the optical flow of the generated video to address distribution gap. Finally, we enhance the model's speed perception by using video pace prediction task, thereby enhancing the model's performance. Our method achieves SOTA performance on E(EADs)→H(HMDB51) and B(BU101)→U(UCF101) benchmarks, and also achieves competitive performance results on S(Stanford40)→U(UCF101) benchmark.
The main code of our approach is stored in cfb_vp, the code of generating source frames is stored in depthstillation.
python 3.8.0
torch 1.11.0
torchvision 0.12.0
numpy 1.23.0
The rgb_imagenet.pt and flow_imagenet.pt can be found in https://github.com/piergiaj/pytorch-i3d/tree/master/models.
please download them and store into codes/cfb_vp/models
For training and evaluation, we need to prepare two datafiles for source and target domain respectively.
Source data are recorded as followed:
/data/datasets/lab/EADs/EAD_image_dataset/clap/applauding_136.jpg 0
/data/datasets/lab/EADs/EAD_image_dataset/clap/applauding_152.jpg 0
/data/datasets/lab/EADs/EAD_image_dataset/clap/applauding_114.jpg 0
/data/datasets/lab/EADs/EAD_image_dataset/clap/applauding_006.jpg 0
Target data are recorded as followed:
/data/datasets/lab/hmdb51/avi/clap/#20_Rhythm_clap_u_nm_np1_le_goo_4.avi 0
/data/datasets/lab/hmdb51/avi/clap/Hand_Clapping_Game__Bim_Bum__clap_f_nm_np2_fr_med_1.avi 0
/data/datasets/lab/hmdb51/avi/clap/Kurt_Kr_mer_-_Klatschen_im_Flugzeug_clap_u_cm_np1_fr_med_1.avi 0
/data/datasets/lab/hmdb51/avi/clap/Wendy_playing_wii_fit_with_clapping_hands_clap_f_cm_np1_le_med_1.avi 0
Both of them are formated in "{data path} {ground-truth label}"
The code stored in depthstillation contains the depthmap estimation network MiDas. And the main code for generating realistic source frames.
For users, replace the value of --input_sourcelist and --output_dir_path and run the command as followed:
bash ./start.sh
The generated video frames of EADs for E(EADs)→H(HMDB51) benchmark could be found in https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yRXI8W0Nro_lOMFqgkRS3s6jcVJDD5nw/view?usp=sharing
train_with_rgbflow_rpflow_random_videopace.py is our main code of implement.
We put the demo scripts for training model in the root of cfb_vp.
For trainning the model for S2U benchmark, run the command as followed:
bash ./train_with_rgbflow_rpflow_random_videopace-s2u.sh
For trainning the model for E2h benchmark, run the command as followed:
bash ./train_with_rgbflow_rpflow_random_videopace-e2h.sh
We also put our training logs in training_logs, we contain two types of value for Accuracy including Acc and AccSf.
Acc means we sum the logits of RGB and flow branches.
AccSf means we sum the logits after softmax of RGB and flow branches, which is reported in our manuscript.
title={Unsupervised Image-to-Video Adaptation via Category-aware Flow Memory Bank and Realistic Video Generation},
author={Huang, Kenan and Zhuo, Junbao and Wang, Shuhui and Su, Chi and Huang, Qingming and Ma, Huimin},
booktitle={ACM Multimedia 2024}