A seismic data analysis toolbox for MATLAB. It can be useful for research, monitoring and education.
Comments welcome. Send email to: thompsong (at) usf (dot) edu
GISMO helps a lot of researchers prepare their papers for conferences and publication. There are around 300 subscribers to the GISMO Users listserv and GISMO is downloaded over 1000 times a year. But GISMO is supported by unpaid volunteers only. So please help us out by citing this work in your paper. Suggested citations:
Thompson G. and Reyes, C., (2018) GISMO - a seismic data analysis toolbox for MATLAB [software package]. Available: http://geoscience-community-codes.github.io/GISMO/. Version 1.20b. Accessed: Aug. 2018. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1404723
(Update the accessed date with the appropriate month and year you last downloaded (or cloned/pulled) the code).
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