koolshare 梅林改/官改 hnd/axhnd/axhnd.675x
固件平台,其与梅林arm380/arm384 一代软件中心不兼容!
A rule based custom proxy for Koolshare Merlin based on Clash.
- Clash : A multi-platform & rule-base tunnel
- KoolClash : This project, a rule based custom proxy for [Koolshare Merlin] based on Clash.
- HTTP/HTTPS and SOCKS protocol
- Surge like configuration
- GeoIP rule support
- Support Vmess/Shadowsocks/Socks5/Snell
- Support for Netfilter TCP redirect
Download latest koolshare.tar.gz
from GitHub Release, and then upload to Koolshare Merlin Soft Center as offline installation.
Read the detailed installation instructions (written in Chinese) for more details.
- Clash for Windows : A Windows GUI based on Clash
- clashX : A rule based custom proxy with GUI for Mac base on clash
- OpenClash : Another Clash Client For OpenWrt
KoolClash is released under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Also, this project includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind.
KoolClash is not responsible for any loss of any user, including but not limited to Kernel Panic, device fail to boot or can not function normally, storage damage or data loss, atomic bombing, World War III, The CK-Class Restructuring Scenario that SCP Foundation can not prevent, and so on.