UZ project for online shop.
To make it work you just have to clone/fork it, create database from file starterpack.sql in database folder.
Then in the project itself you need to add into /WEB-INF/lib files:
mysql connector j 8 -
jstl 1.2 -
And add them to build path. (Right click on file in the project -> Build Path -> Add to buildpath(in Eclipse))
You also have to have tomcat(preferably tomcat 9) and if there are any errors add to buildpath these files from tomcat server directory(folder called lib):
Yeah, I know I could have used maven or gradle for this but we have to make this project with basic of the basics(no maven/spring etc).
For test to work you need to download and add to build path the following files:
junit-4.13.jar -
hamcrest-core-1.3.jar -
or you can just unpack the file neededJars.7z in the same folder :)