The ResumeApp is created in kotlin to display a version of my resume and show basic implementations of android concepts and libraries described below
You can click MyResume to install the app.
You can click to view the app
- Navigation Compose : library to add navigation elements to your compose projects
- Dagger-Hilt : a library for dependency injection in Android apps that works seamlessly with Compose.
The app has three screen name the ProfileScreen, OfferScreen and PortfolioScreen which provide my contact details, what i can offer your group and a description of some of my projects respectively. The app can be localised to either french or english
- Animations: Just a few to make the UI nicer, it is not the main objective on this app to work on design issues
- Theming: Improve on the theming and make it a lot sharper
- Project Links: To ensure proof of work
- More Localisation: Add more languages to the app to increase accessibility