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Syntax Analysis

For not to create parsing table for LR(1) by hand.

Syntax analysis tools in Python. (Tools for doing compiler design homework, actually)

Table of Contents


Define a Context Free Grammar

Representing a classic expression grammar:

Expr -> Expr + Term
      | Expr - Term
      | Term

Term -> Term * Factor
      | Expr / Term
      | Factor
Factor -> num | ( Expr )


from syntax_analysis import Grammar, Terminal, NonTerminal
from pprint import pprint

Expr = NonTerminal('Expr')
Term = NonTerminal('Term')
Factor = NonTerminal('Factor')
plus = Terminal('+')
minus = Terminal('-')
times = Terminal('*')
div = Terminal('/')
num = Terminal('num')
lp, rp = Terminal('('), Terminal(')')

# Expr is starting symbol
G = Grammar(Expr)
G.add_production(Expr, [Expr, plus, Term])
G.add_production(Expr, [Expr, minus, Term])
G.add_production(Expr, [Term])
G.add_production(Term, [Term, times, Factor])
G.add_production(Term, [Expr, div, Term])
G.add_production(Term, [Factor])
G.add_production(Factor, [num])
G.add_production(Factor, [lp, Expr, rp])
# Grammar(start_symbol=Expr,
#         productions=[Expr -> Expr + Term,
#                      Expr -> Expr - Term,
#                      Expr -> Term,
#                      Term -> Term * Factor,
#                      Term -> Expr * Term,
#                      Term -> Factor,
#                      Factor -> num,
#                      Factor -> ( Expr )])

alternatively, use shorthand functions to define terminals and non-terminals:

from syntax_analysis import terminals, non_terminals

Expr, Term, Factor = non_terminals('Expr', 'Term', 'Factor')
plus, minux, div = terminals('+', '-', '/')
# ...

First and Follow

Using the same classic expression grammar, compute their First and Follow set:

from syntax_analysis import first, follow
print(first(Expr, G))  # {(, num)}
print(follow(Expr, G)) # {), /, $, -, +}

Create LL(1) Parsing Table

Create the LL(1) parsing table for the grammar below:

S -> + S S | * S S | a

and the LL(1) parsing table for this grammar is

Terminal + * a $
S S -> + S S S -> * S S S -> a


from syntax_analysis import LL1, ...

S = NonTerminal('S')
plus, times, a = terminals('+', '*', 'a')
G = Grammar(S)
G.add_production(S, [plus, S, S])
G.add_production(S, [times, S, S])
G.add_production(S, [a])
# output:
# {(S, *): {S -> * S S},
#  (S, +): {S -> + S S},
#  (S, a): {S -> a}}

Create LR(1) Parsing Table

Now create LR(1) parsing table for the grammar defining language of balanced parentheses pairs:

Start -> List
List -> List Pair | Pair
Pair -> ( Pair ) | ( )

Construct LR(1) Canonical Set

The LR(1) canonical set of the balanced parentheses pair grammar is

LR(1) canonical set

You can use the information collected to convert them to desired format (e.g. LATEX). The canonical set information is generated by:

from syntax_analysis import LR1

Start, List, Pair = non_terminals('S', 'List', 'Pair')
lp, rp = terminals('(', ')')
G = Grammar(Start)
G.add_production(Start, [List])
G.add_production(List, [List, Pair])
G.add_production(List, [Pair])
G.add_production(Pair, [lp, Pair, rp])
G.add_production(Pair, [lp, rp])

# output:
#   CanonicalSet(...)

Next, create the parsing table is as:

# output:
#	ParsingTable(states=...,
#                    action=...,
#                    goto=...)

Automata for parentheses grammar

(the dot file of graph above is generated by simple function generate_automaton_graphviz in

Create LALR(1) Parsing Table

The API for creating LALR(1) parsing table is similar in

  • LALR1.construct_canonical_set(G)
  • LALR1.construct_parsing_table(G)
from syntax_analysis import LALR1
from syntax_analysis.misc import generate_automaton_graphviz
G = ... # balanced parentheses grammar
pt = LALR1.construct_parsing_table(G)

Automaton for LALR(1) grammar

How to Use

Download the repository, rename the folder to syntax_analysis, place it where you want to use.


symbolic library for syntax-analysis in python






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