Features | Examples | Documentation | Building | Integration | Contributing | License | Contact
stdgpu is an open-source library providing several generic GPU data structures for fast and reliable data management. Multiple platforms such as CUDA, OpenMP, and HIP are supported allowing you to rapidly write highly complex agnostic and native algorithms that look like sequential CPU code but are executed in parallel on the GPU.
Productivity. Previous libraries such as thrust, VexCL, ArrayFire or Boost.Compute focus on the fast and efficient implementation of various algorithms for contiguously stored data to enhance productivity. stdgpu follows an orthogonal approach and focuses on fast and reliable data management to enable the rapid development of more general and flexible GPU algorithms just like their CPU counterparts.
Interoperability. Instead of providing yet another ecosystem, stdgpu is designed to be a lightweight container library. Therefore, a core feature of stdgpu is its interoperability with previous established frameworks, i.e. the thrust library, to enable a seamless integration into new as well as existing projects.
Maintainability. Following the trend in recent C++ standards of providing functionality for safer and more reliable programming, the philosophy of stdgpu is to provide clean and familiar functions with strong guarantees that encourage users to write more robust code while giving them full control to achieve a high performance.
At its heart, stdgpu offers the following GPU data structures and containers:
atomic & atomic_ref Atomic primitive types and references |
bitset Space-efficient bit array |
deque Dynamically sized double-ended queue |
queue & stack Container adapters |
unordered_map & unordered_set Hashed collection of unique keys and key-value pairs |
vector Dynamically sized contiguous array |
In addition, stdgpu also provides commonly required functionality in algorithm
, bit
, contract
, cstddef
, functional
, iterator
, limits
, memory
, mutex
, ranges
, utility
to complement the GPU data structures and to increase their usability and interoperability.
In order to reliably perform complex tasks on the GPU, stdgpu offers flexible interfaces that can be used in both agnostic code, e.g. via the algorithms provided by thrust, as well as in native code, e.g. in custom CUDA kernels.
For instance, stdgpu is extensively used in SLAMCast, a scalable live telepresence system, to implement real-time, large-scale 3D scene reconstruction as well as real-time 3D data streaming between a server and an arbitrary number of remote clients.
Agnostic code. In the context of SLAMCast, a simple task is the integration of a range of updated blocks into the duplicate-free set of queued blocks for data streaming which can be expressed very conveniently:
#include <stdgpu/cstddef.h> // stdgpu::index_t
#include <stdgpu/iterator.h> // stdgpu::make_device
#include <stdgpu/unordered_set.cuh> // stdgpu::unordered_set
class stream_set
add_blocks(const short3* blocks,
const stdgpu::index_t n)
stdgpu::make_device(blocks + n));
// Further functions
stdgpu::unordered_set<short3> set;
// Further members
Native code. More complex operations such as the creation of the duplicate-free set of updated blocks or other algorithms can be implemented natively, e.g. in custom CUDA kernels with stdgpu's CUDA backend enabled:
#include <stdgpu/cstddef.h> // stdgpu::index_t
#include <stdgpu/unordered_map.cuh> // stdgpu::unordered_map
#include <stdgpu/unordered_set.cuh> // stdgpu::unordered_set
__global__ void
compute_update_set(const short3* blocks,
const stdgpu::index_t n,
const stdgpu::unordered_map<short3, voxel*> tsdf_block_map,
stdgpu::unordered_set<short3> mc_update_set)
// Global thread index
stdgpu::index_t i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i >= n) return;
short3 b_i = blocks[i];
// Neighboring candidate blocks for the update
short3 mc_blocks[8]
= {
short3(b_i.x - 0, b_i.y - 0, b_i.z - 0),
short3(b_i.x - 1, b_i.y - 0, b_i.z - 0),
short3(b_i.x - 0, b_i.y - 1, b_i.z - 0),
short3(b_i.x - 0, b_i.y - 0, b_i.z - 1),
short3(b_i.x - 1, b_i.y - 1, b_i.z - 0),
short3(b_i.x - 1, b_i.y - 0, b_i.z - 1),
short3(b_i.x - 0, b_i.y - 1, b_i.z - 1),
short3(b_i.x - 1, b_i.y - 1, b_i.z - 1),
for (stdgpu::index_t j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
// Only consider existing neighbors
if (tsdf_block_map.contains(mc_blocks[j]))
More examples can be found in the examples
A comprehensive introduction into the design and API of stdgpu can be found here:
Since a core feature and design goal of stdgpu is its interoperability with thrust, it offers full support for all thrust algorithms instead of reinventing the wheel. More information about the design can be found in the related research paper.
Before building the library, please make sure that all required tools and dependencies are installed on your system. Newer versions are supported as well.
- C++17 compiler
- GCC 9
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
sudo apt install g++
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
- Clang 10
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
sudo apt install clang
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
- MSVC 19.20
- (Windows) Visual Studio 2019 https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/
- GCC 9
- CMake 3.18
- (Ubuntu 20.04) https://apt.kitware.com
- (Ubuntu 22.04)
sudo apt install cmake
- (Windows) https://cmake.org/download
- thrust 1.9.9
- (Ubuntu/Windows) https://github.com/NVIDIA/thrust
- May already be installed by backend dependencies
Required for CUDA backend
- CUDA compiler
- Already included in CUDA Toolkit
- Clang 10
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
sudo apt install clang
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
- CUDA Toolkit 11.0
- (Ubuntu/Windows) https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads
- Includes thrust
Required for OpenMP backend
- OpenMP 2.0
- GCC 9
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04) Already installed
- Clang 10
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
sudo apt install libomp-dev
- (Ubuntu 20.04/22.04)
- MSVC 19.20
- (Windows) Already installed
- GCC 9
Required for HIP backend (experimental)
- ROCm 5.1
- (Ubuntu) https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm
- Includes thrust
- CMake 3.21.3
- (Ubuntu 20.04) https://apt.kitware.com
- (Ubuntu 22.04)
sudo apt install cmake
- (Windows) https://cmake.org/download
- Required for first-class HIP language support
The library can be built as every other project which makes use of the CMake build system.
In addition, we also provide cross-platform scripts to make the build process more convenient. Since these scripts depend on the selected build type, there are scripts for both debug
and release
Command | Effect |
bash scripts/setup.sh [<build_type>] |
Performs a full clean build of the project. Removes old build, configures the project (build path: ./build , default build type: Release ), builds the project, and runs the unit tests. |
bash scripts/build.sh [<build_type>] |
(Re-)Builds the project. Requires that the project is set up (default build type: Release ). |
bash scripts/run_tests.sh [<build_type>] |
Runs the unit tests. Requires that the project is built (default build type: Release ). |
bash scripts/install.sh [<build_type>] |
Installs the project to the configured install path (default install dir: ./bin , default build type: Release ). |
bash scripts/uninstall.sh [<build_type>] |
Uninstalls the project from the configured install path (default build type: Release ). |
In the following, we show some examples on how the library can be integrated into and used in a project.
CMake Integration. To use the library in your project, you can either install it externally first and then include it using find_package
find_package(stdgpu 1.0.0 REQUIRED)
add_library(foo ...)
target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC stdgpu::stdgpu)
Or you can embed it into your project and build it from a subdirectory:
# Exclude the examples from the build
# Exclude the benchmarks from the build
# Exclude the tests from the build
add_library(foo ...)
target_link_libraries(foo PUBLIC stdgpu::stdgpu)
CMake Options. To configure the library, two sets of options are provided. The following build options control the build process:
Build Option | Effect | Default |
Device system backend | STDGPU_BACKEND_CUDA |
Builds the project as a shared library, if set to ON , or as a static library, if set to OFF |
Constructs the compiler flags | ON if standalone, OFF if included via add_subdirectory |
Treats compiler warnings as errors | OFF |
Build the examples | ON |
Build the benchmarks | ON |
Build the unit tests | ON |
Build a test coverage report | OFF |
Analyzes the code with clang-tidy | OFF |
Analyzes the code with cppcheck | OFF |
In addition, the implementation of some functionality can be controlled via configuration options:
Configuration Option | Effect | Default |
Enable contract checks | OFF if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE equals Release or MinSizeRel , ON otherwise |
Use 32-bit instead of 64-bit signed integer for index_t |
ON |
For detailed information on how to contribute, see CONTRIBUTING
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
If you use stdgpu in one of your projects, please cite the following publications:
stdgpu: Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU
author = {Stotko, P.},
title = {{stdgpu: Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU}},
year = {2019},
month = aug,
note = {arXiv:1908.05936},
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.05936}
author = {Stotko, P. and Krumpen, S. and Hullin, M. B. and Weinmann, M. and Klein, R.},
title = {{SLAMCast: Large-Scale, Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and Streaming for Immersive Multi-Client Live Telepresence}},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
volume = {25},
number = {5},
pages = {2102--2112},
year = {2019},
month = may
Patrick Stotko - [email protected]