Note: This project has been abandoned because i don't have the time to work on it, it was a cool project for learning though.
Meow is a simple language im making in C# as a side project written completely from scratch, i use a regex lexer and then generate an AST which i then walk through for execution, you can download the meow playground here.
example script.
add = function(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
result: number = add(5, 3);
print(result); // 8
without type hinting (type hints are not enforced)
add = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
result = add(5, 3);
print(result); // 8
Generated AST
"Statements": [
"Identifier": "add",
"Value": {
"FunctionNodes": [
"ReturnValue": {
"Expression": "+",
"InBracket": false,
"Left": {
"Identifier": "a"
"Right": {
"Identifier": "b"
"parameters": [
"Identifier": "result",
"Value": {
"Identifier": "add",
"Arguments": [
"Literal": 5.0
"Literal": 3.0
"Identifier": "print",
"Arguments": [
"Identifier": "result"
this code executes the same as previous one
the language is a semicolon based language, i have some error checking for semicolons so if you don't include them you may start getting logic errors.
variables are declared like x = 2
or with type hinting x:number = 2
these are all currently global, there is no local variables yet, the types are not enforced but are just there for clarity and documentation.
function calls via C# side print("hello world!")
using delegate called MeowFunction
for interacting with C# side, supports arguments in the form of object[]
, it also has the script as context and a return type in the form object
functions are declared as variable = function() {}
, the functions are treated as first class citizens.
The if-else statements and while statements work, you cannot chain elifs yet, there is no for statements yet but you could make that with a while loop and a variable.
it comes with some basic functions, print
, input
, wait
, int
, number
, string
, if
and type
the program
calls the function update
every frame if it can find one. (this was for testing)
setting a function as a variable and calling it
betterPrint: function = print;
betterPrint("Hello world!");
calling an anonymous function
call = function(func: function): void {
// calls the anonymous function, prints hello world!
call(function() {
print("hello world!");
returning a function
returnFunc = function(): function {
return function() {
print("hello world!");
func: function = returnFunc();
func(); // prints hello world!
current if functions (bound to change)
if(true) {
print("condition was true!");
} else {
print("condition was false!");
this is an example script using some of the basic functions.
name: string = input("What is your name? ");
print("hello", name);
the AST for this simple program.
"Statements": [
"Identifier": "name",
"Value": {
"Identifier": "input",
"Arguments": [
"String": "What is your name? "
"Identifier": "print",
"Arguments": [
"String": "hello"
"Identifier": "name"
more complex programs that rely on type hinting everywhere.
add = function(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
print("the add game, can you get over the limit?");
limit: number = number(input("set the limit. "));
number1: number = number(input("give me the first number. "));
number2: number = number(input("give me the second number. "));
result: number = add(number(number1), number(number2));
if(result > limit) {
print("you won");
} else {
print("you lost.");
print("total sum you got was", result, "you got", result - limit, "greater than", limit);
simple program for showing if-elses and a while loop.
while (true) {
x = input("what do you want to try? true, false or exit? ");
if (x == "exit") {
// exits the program returns a value for c# runner, intended behaviour
if (x == "true") {
print("got it true");
} else {
print("its false");
a custom application that loops how many times the user inputted
forLoop = function(to: number, loop: function): void {
i = 0;
while (i < int(to)) {
i = i + 1;
howManyCount: string = input("how do you want it to count? ");
forLoop(int(howManyCount), function(i: number) {
print(i + 1);
an actual game where you have to reach the end in the minimum amount of attempts, you play as a O
// variables
playerX: number = 0;
playerY: number = 0;
gridSizeX: number = 10;
gridSizeY: number = 20;
goalPosX: number = gridSizeX - int(gridSizeX / 2);
goalPosY: number = gridSizeY - int(gridSizeY / 2);
attempts: number = (gridSizeX + gridSizeY) / 2;
print("get to the middle! with only", attempts,"movements.");
getInputs = function(): void {
move = input("where do you want to move? w = up, s = down, a = left and d = right. ");
if (move == "w") {
playerY = playerY - 1;
playerY = int(playerY);
if (playerY < 0) {
playerY = 0;
attempts = attempts - 1;
if (move == "s") {
playerY = playerY + 1;
playerY = int(playerY);
if (playerY > (gridSizeX - 1)) {
playerY = gridSizeX - 1;
attempts = attempts - 1;
if (move == "a") {
playerX = playerX - 1;
playerX = int(playerX);
if (playerX < 0) {
playerX = 0;
attempts = attempts - 1;
if (move == "d") {
playerX = playerX + 1;
playerX = int(playerX);
if (playerX > (gridSizeY - 1)) {
playerX = gridSizeY - 1;
attempts = attempts - 1;
drawBoard = function(): void {
x = 0;
while (x < int(gridSizeX)) {
concatenatedLine = "";
y = 0;
while (y < int(gridSizeY)) {
if (playerX == y and playerY == x) {
concatenatedLine = concatenatedLine + "O";
} else {
if (x == goalPosX and y == goalPosY) {
concatenatedLine = concatenatedLine + "&";
}else {
concatenatedLine = concatenatedLine + "'";
y = y + 1;
y = int(y);
x = x + 1;
x = int(x);
while (true) {
print("you have", attempts, "attempts left");
// i flipped it so it may look wrong but its correct
if (playerY == goalPosX and playerX == goalPosY) {
print("you have won the game!");
if (attempts == 0) {
print("you have ran out of attempts!, you have lost the game.");
I plan on making it a language similar to python, lua and javascript with hints of miniscript to create a scripting language. Maybe i plan on generating bytecode in the distant future, but rn im walking through ASTs.
I am making this as a side project for fun and i love doing it
to embed meow in your C# scripts, you need to create a new Script
, then you can register all the globals you want, so for example you can register a function call for printing and then you just run the script via DoString
, it takes in 1 argument which is the script content, heres an example script, currently its not unity friendly because im using some of the new c# features but this will be fixed in my next commit.
public static object PrintMeow(object[] arguments)
foreach (var arg in arguments)
Console.Write((arg is null ? "null" : arg.ToString()) + " ");
return null;
var script = new Script();
script.SetGlobal("print", (MeowFunction)PrintMeow);
script.DoString("print(\"Hello world!\");"); // prints `Hello world!` to the console, do string returns what is returned from the script.
To call a function for example lets say on unity update, you can do the following after you've initalized the script.
var update = script.GetGlobal("update");
if (update is Function func) // check if its a function
func.Call(script); // you need to reference the script in the call.