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Hi Wolfram Community!

We are going to try to see if we can do a community project. ExchangeLink is an attempt to cover the top 10 crypto exchanges with Wolfram Language connectivity.

Binance is the first exchange library and will serve as an example.

There are several ways to contribute:

  1. Code Editting

    • Suggestions on better function names and coding style.
    • Documentation
    • Tests
    • Examples
  2. Create New Libraries

    • Follow the Binance Library Example.
  3. Suggestions

    • New Exchange Libraries (see list)
    • Examples using the exchange libraries

We look forward to seeing how this project goes!

Current Suggestions of Services:

Data Services:

  1. Kaiko


  1. Binance (.com, .us)
  2. Kraken
  3. Coinbase


  1. Bitmex
  2. Deribit


  1. Open any notebook
  2. Evaluate code: PacletInstall[""]
  3. Evaluate code: Get["ExchangeLink`"]
  4. All functions are available

API Keys

If you want to use your account and trade API endpoint, you must create your own API Key and API sercret key.

Use following way to do this:

  1. Go and login to
  2. Click to the menu item "API Managment" in your account actions menu
  3. Click to the button "Create"
  4. Follow the instructions of Binance. You have to confirm process in your email

After the previous operation you have to copy the keys and save them in a special variable - $ExchangeLinkConfig.

You must execute the same code but with your domain and api/secret keys:

$ExchangeLinkConfig["Binance", "Domain"] = "" (*also is available*) 
$ExchangeLinkConfig["Binance", "APIKey"] = "JqbsI8dNvn4wQ2tQ00bzChAdIiKVxas98ZMQPxO7Iykr0zrp32mPMOBO2tFbrdw5" 
$ExchangeLinkConfig["Binance", "SecretKey"] = "nwVaV8d25Btl9PqSJgks0IUBtZMj44xIdJY2wHceAcGqH3zpagEx9R6mn1G7rbbo"

You can view all config data:



After the initialization of Binance API methods are available in the current notebook You can see list of functions/methods using following command:

BinanceAccountInfo BinanceOCOrderCancel BinanceOrderTest
BinanceAggTrades BinanceOCOrderCreate BinancePing
BinanceAveragePrice BinanceOCOrderGet BinancePrice
BinanceBookTicker BinanceOCOrdersAll BinanceSell
BinanceBuy BinanceOCOrdersNow BinanceTicker
BinanceDepth BinanceOrderCancel BinanceTime
BinanceExchangeInfo BinanceOrderCreate BinanceTrades
BinanceHistoricalTrades BinanceOrderGet $BinanceExchangeInfo
BinanceKlines BinanceOrdersAll
BinanceMyTrades BinanceOrdersNow

General data

General information from the Binance server.

Check that the server is available and get the server time. This is needed if you want to use the trade API. The server time is used in the creation of the e-sign.


<|"serverTime" -> DateObject[<...>]|>

Information about order limits and precision. List of all the trading pairs available on Binance and the current statuses. This is the information you need, if you want to create your own orders. Binance has restrictions on precision of prices or quantities in orders.


<| "timezone" -> "UTC", ..., "symbols" -> { <|"symbol" -> "ETHBTC", ..., "filters" -> {...}|>, ... } |>

ExchangeInfo cache. BinanceExchangeInfo[] is nearly constant data. It changes about one time per week. So you can save the current value of this variable in the session and you can use it without another request to Binance. The value that is saved in memory exists for one day. After time 00:00 $BinanceExchangeInfo will be updated.

Dataset @ 
Query[All, <|
	"symbol" -> "symbol", 
	"minPrice" -> "filters" /* 1 /* 2, 
	"maxPrice" -> "filters" /* 1 /* 3, 
	"tickSize" -> "filters" /* 1 /* 4, 
	"minQty" -> "filters" /* 3 /* 2, 
	"maxQty" -> "filters" /* 3 /* 3, 
	"stepSize" -> "filters" /* 3 /* 4|>] @ 
symbol minPrice maxPrice tickSize minQty maxQty stepSize
ETHBTC 1.e-6 100000. 1.e-6 0.001 100000. 0.001
LTCBTC 1.e-6 100000. 1.e-6 0.01 100000. 0.01
BNBBTC 1.e-7 100000. 1.e-7 0.01 100000. 0.01
NEOBTC 1.e-6 100000. 1.e-6 0.01 100000. 0.01
QTUMETH 1.e-6 1000. 1.e-6 0.01 9.e7 0.01
EOSETH 1.e-6 1000. 1.e-6 0.01 9.e7 0.01
SNTETH 1.e-8 1000. 1.e-8 1. 9.e7 1.
BNTETH 1.e-6 1000. 1.e-6 0.01 9.e7 0.01
BCCBTC 1.e-6 100000. 1.e-6 0.001 100000. 0.001
GASBTC 1.e-7 1000. 1.e-7 0.01 9.e7 0.01
BNBETH 1.e-6 1000. 1.e-6 0.01 9.e7 0.01
BTCUSDT 0.01 1.e6 0.01 1.e-6 9000. 1.e-6
ETHUSDT 0.01 1.e6 0.01 0.00001 9000. 0.00001
HSRBTC 1.e-6 100000. 1.e-6 0.01 1.e7 0.01
OAXETH 1.e-7 100000. 1.e-7 1. 9.e7 1.
DNTETH 1.e-8 1000. 1.e-8 1. 9.e7 1.
MCOETH 1.e-6 1000. 1.e-6 0.01 9.e7 0.01
ICNETH 1.e-7 100000. 1.e-7 1. 9.e7 1.
MCOBTC 1.e-7 1000. 1.e-7 0.01 9.e7 0.01
WTCBTC 1.e-7 1000. 1.e-7 0.01 9.e7 0.01

Market data

Current order book

depth = BinanceDepth["BTCUSDT"];
bids = depth["bids"]; 
asks = depth["asks"]; 
min = Min[bids[[All, 2]] ~ Join ~ asks[[All, 2]]]; 
bidNormalizaer = Round[bids[[All, 2]] / min];
askNormalizaer = Round[asks[[All, 2]] / min];

Representation of the order book using Histogram:

	Flatten[Table[ConstantArray[bids[[i, 1]], bidNormalizaer[[i]]], {i, 1, Length@bidNormalizaer}]], 
	Flatten[Table[ConstantArray[asks[[i, 1]], askNormalizaer[[i]]], {i, 1, Length@askNormalizaer}]], 
	ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> True, 
	ChartLabels -> {
		Placed[{"BIDS", "ASKS"}, Above],
		Placed[{"r1", "r2"}, Tooltip]
	LabelingFunction -> (If[!(#1 == 0), Placed[#1*min, Center], None]&), 
	FrameTicks -> {None, Automatic}

Last trades for the pair - order size, time and other


{<|"id" -> 275374890, price -> 6232.51, qty -> quoteQty -> 267.026, time -> DateObject[<..>], ...|>, ...}

Market prices

Get the current price of Bitcoin


<|"symbol" -> "BTCUSDT", "price" -> 6231.45|>

More information about a cryptocurrency pair. The result has information about the 24h change, volume and last prices


<|"symbol" -> "BTCUSDT", "priceChange" -> -287.64, "priceChangePercent" -> -4.405, "weightedAvgPrice" -> 6207.84, "prevClosePrice" -> 6529.23, "lastPrice" -> 6242.19, "lastQty" -> 0.150057, "bidPrice" -> 6241.39, "bidQty" -> 0.083302, "askPrice" -> 6243.39, "askQty" -> 1.71051, "openPrice" -> 6529.83, "highPrice" -> 6714.53, "lowPrice" -> 5670., "volume" -> 182195., "quoteVolume" -> 1.1310340689753455*10^9, "openTime" -> DateObject<>, "closeTime" -> DateObject<>, "firstId" -> 274022160, "lastId" -> 275354648, "count" -> 1332489|>

And for all currency pairs


{<|"symbol" -> "ETHBTC", "priceChange" -> -0.00007, "priceChangePercent" -> -0.327, "weightedAvgPrice" -> 0.0213236, "prevClosePrice" -> 0.021413, "lastPrice" -> 0.021351, "lastQty" -> 1.204, "bidPrice" -> 0.021351, <...>, "volume" -> 312333., "quoteVolume" -> 6660.05, "openTime" -> DateObject<>, "closeTime" -> DateObject<>, "firstId" -> 169520504, "lastId" -> 169718743, "count" -> 198240|>, < .. 767 ..>}


Get historical data from Binance

  • "BTCUSDT" - cryptocurrency pair
  • "15m" - time interval of the one "candle". Available intervals: 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h, 1d
  • "limit" -> 96 - number of candles. Max value is 1000, default - 500

Interactive chart with different indicators

	Query[All, {1, {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}] @ BinanceKlines["BTCUSDT", "15m", "limit" -> 192], 
	ImageSize -> Large, PlotTheme -> "Marketing"


Non zero balances

SortBy[#free&] @ 
Select[#free > 0&] @ 

{<|"asset" -> "BTC", "free" -> 1.0*10^6, "locked" -> 0.0|>}

History of all trades


{<|"symbol" -> "BTCUSDT", "id" -> 17056810, "orderId" -> 44470524, "orderListId" -> -1, "price" -> 8750., "qty" -> 0.013617, "quoteQty" -> 119.149, "commission" -> 0.0357446, "commissionAsset" -> "USDT", "time" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 14, 8, 7, 40.198}, "Instant", "Gregorian", 4.], "isBuyer" -> False, "isMaker" -> True, "isBestMatch" -> True|>, ...}

History of all orders. Like all trades but in these statistics you can see what orders were canceled.


<|"symbol" -> "BTCUSDT", "orderId" -> 44470524, "orderListId" -> -1, "clientOrderId" -> "ItBhjKwekNUlg8wRiLrzFT", "price" -> 8750., "origQty" -> 0.013617, "executedQty" -> 0.013617, "cummulativeQuoteQty" -> 119.149, "status" -> "FILLED", "timeInForce" -> "GTC", "type" -> "LIMIT", "side" -> "SELL", "stopPrice" -> 0., "icebergQty" -> 0., "time" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 14, 8, 6, 50.655}, "Instant", "Gregorian", 4.], "updateTime" -> DateObject[{2018, 2, 14, 8, 7, 40.198}, "Instant", "Gregorian", 4.], "isWorking" -> True, "origQuoteOrderQty" -> 0.|>


One of the important parts of this guide - trading. The point of Binance is to trade cryptocurrency!

You can create simple order using following.

First - get the current price of BTC:

price = BinancePrice["BTCUSDT"]["price"]


And try to sell BTC 10% more expensive than our original purchase:

BinanceSell["BTCUSDT", 0.001, price * 1.1]

<|"symbol" -> "BTCUSDT", "orderId" -> 1739082090, "orderListId" -> -1, "clientOrderId" -> "LbwGlsBinxRtNRsabubXCR", "transactTime" -> DateObject[{2020, 4, 5, 23, 10, 35.547}, "Instant", "Gregorian", 4.], "price" -> 7487.77., "origQty" -> 0.001, "executedQty" -> 0., "cummulativeQuoteQty" -> 0., "status" -> "NEW", "timeInForce" -> "GTC", "type" -> "LIMIT", "side" -> "SELL", "fills" -> {}|>

Now you can check that the order was created.

Try to get all opened orders:

orders = BinanceOrdersNow["BTCUSDT"]

Get order informoation first:

BinanceOrderGet["BTCUSDT", orders[[1, "orderId"]]]

<|"symbol" -> "BTCUSDT", "orderId" -> 1739082090, "orderListId" -> -1, "clientOrderId" -> "LbwGlsBinxRtNRsabubXCR", "price" -> 7487.77., "origQty" -> 0.001, "executedQty" -> 0., "cummulativeQuoteQty" -> 0., "status" -> "NEW", "timeInForce" -> "GTC", "type" -> "LIMIT", "side" -> "SELL", "stopPrice" -> 0., "icebergQty" -> 0., "time" -> DateObject[{2020, 4, 5, 23, 10, 35.547}, "Instant", "Gregorian", 4.], "updateTime" -> DateObject[{2020, 4, 5, 23, 10, 35.547}, "Instant", "Gregorian", 4.], "isWorking" -> True, "origQuoteOrderQty" -> 0.|>

If you changed the decision, then you can cancel the order:

BinanceOrderCancel["BTCUSDT", orders[[1, "orderId"]]]

<|"symbol" -> "BTCUSDT", "origClientOrderId" -> "LbwGlsBinxRtNRsabubXCR", "orderId" -> 1739082090, "orderListId" -> -1, "clientOrderId" -> "x5uDpwDlIcnHn2rdTcZgnR", "price" -> 7484.77., "origQty" -> 0.001, "executedQty" -> 0., "cummulativeQuoteQty" -> 0., "status" -> "CANCELED", "timeInForce" -> "GTC", "type" -> "LIMIT", "side" -> "SELL"|>


You can use all available ways to contribute to this project.

1. Join the team.

We will glad to see you in ExchangeLink team. Please contact with us.

2. Standard github flow

More about this way on the official github help page

3. Contact with the team

If you have any suggestions or questions, you can always write us an email. We will consider any offer and try to answer all your questions.


Jon Woodard (@Lenley) - [email protected]
Kirill Belov (@KirillBelovTest) - [email protected]


No description or website provided.








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