BGP-SAS (Border Gateway Protocol - Simulation, Analysis, and Storage) is a suite of tools for utilizing cluster computing (with MPI and Python via MPI4Py) to find routing-trees according to the Gao-Rexford model of routing. The algorithms used and an application of BGP-SAS are are detailed in the 2019 ACM SIGCAS COMPASS conference paper "Borders and Gateways: Measuring and Analyzing National AS Chokepoints". Please cite this work if you use BGP-SAS code for your project:
title={Borders and gateways: measuring and analyzing national as chokepoints},
author={Leyba, Kirtus G and Edwards, Benjamin and Freeman, Cynthia and Crandall, Jedidiah R and Forrest, Stephanie},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies},
The primary tool in BGP-SAS is the routing tree generator, which is designed to be used in a cluster computing environment with MPI due to the heavy computation costs. A sample slurm script for running the routing tree algorithm (contained in is listed below:
#SBATCH -n <number of mpi ranks>
#SBATCH -J routingTrees
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<your email>
#SBATCH --time=<max wall time>
module load openmpi/3.0.0-gnu-4.9.4
mpirun -np <number of mpi ranks> --map-by node --rank-by node -display-map \
python <matrix market file> v \
<output routing tree directory> <nodeList file> <max AS number>
A matrix market file can be generated from a BGP edge relationship (such as those collected by CAIDA at file in the following procedure:
python <input relationship file> <output bgp-sas file>
python <bgp-sas file> <output matrix market file>
The resulting routing tree files are in the .npz format. They can be read as follows:
tree = np.load('routingTree.npz')
The keys to the tree['data'] structure are ASNs and the values for an ASN,ASN pair is 1 if an edge is included in the routing tree.