Spring 5 Web application forwarding Bitcoin and Ethereum data to client under http://localhost:8080 (data available with GET HTTP request).
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
docker with docker-compose
java 11
Execute the following commands:
$ cd <place-you-want-to-store-coinbaseproclient>
$ it clone https://github.com/Konrad-Abramowski/CoinbaseproClient.git
$ cd CoinbaseproClient
$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
CoinbaseproClient will be running under the address:
If you want to close the application, use hotkey: CTRL + C
Execute the following commands:
$ cd <place-you-want-to-store-coinbaseproclient>
$ it clone https://github.com/Konrad-Abramowski/CoinbaseproClient.git
$ cd CoinbaseproClient
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
CoinbaseproClient will be running under the address:
If you want to close the application, use:
$ sudo docker-compose down