An open-source bottom-up stochastic model for generating multi-energy load profiles (RAMP Website , RAMP Documentation)
RAMP is an open-source software suite for the stochastic simulation of any user-driven energy demand time series based on few simple inputs.
The project aims to provide synthetic data wherever metered data does not exist, such as when designing systems in remote areas. Check out the documentation and learn more on the RAMP world from our website!
The easiest way to make RAMP software working is to use the free conda package manager which can install the current and future RAMP depencies in an easy and user friendly way.
To get conda, download and install "Anaconda Distribution", or "miniconda" which is lighter. You can install RAMP using pip, conda or from source code.
- To install the RAMP software, we suggest to create a new environment by running the following command in the anaconda prompt:
conda create -n ramp python=3.8
2. If you create a new environment for RAMP, you'll need to activate it each time before using it, by writing the following line in the Anaconda Prompt
conda activate ramp
- Now you can use pip to install rampdemand on your environment as follow:
pip install rampdemand
You can also install RAMP from the source code! To do so, you first need to download the source code first:
- you can use git to clone the repository using:
git clone
- you may download the source code directly from:
In this case, the source code will be downloaded as a zip file, so you need the extract the files.
After downloading the source code using any of abovementioned ways, you need to use your anaconda prompt to install the code. You can follow the first two steps mentioned in Installing through pip. Then you need to change the directory of the promt to the folder where the source code is saved (where you can find the file). To install the RAMP software use:
Alternatively, you may use:
conda env create -f requirements.yml
RAMP has been tested on macOS, Windows and Linux.
For running RAMP, you'll need a few packages:
- The Python programming language, version 3.6 or higher
- A number of Python adds-on packages:
The requirements are specified in the requirements.txt file.
There are different ways to build a model using RAMP! Here, we provide a first example but you can find more information in our documentation.
Three different input files are provided as example representing three different categories of appliances that can be modelled with RAMP. To have a look to the python files, you can download them using the "download_example" function:
from ramp import download_example
download_example("the specfic folder directory to save the files")
: represents the most basic electric appliances, is an example of how to model lightbulbs, radios, TVs, fridges, and other electric appliances. This input file is based on the ones used for this
: shows how to model thermal loads, with the example of a “shower” appliance. The peculiarity of thermal appiances is that the nominal power can be provided as external input as a “csv” file (in this case,shower_P.csv
). For the example “shower” appliance, the varying nominal power accounts for the effect of groundwater temperature variation throughout the year. This input file is based on that used for this
: represents an example of how to model electric cooking appliances. In this input file two different kind of meals are modelled: 1) short and repetitive meals (e.g. breakfast); and 2) main meals (e.g. lunch, dinner). Repetitive meals do not vary across days, whilst main meals do so. In particular, every household can randomly choose between 3 different types of main meal every day. Such variability in meal preferences is modelled by means of two parameters: theuser preference
and thepreference index
. Theuser preference
defines how many types of meal are available for each user to choose every day (e.g. 3). Then, each of the available meal options is modelled separately, with a differentpreference index
attached. The stochastic process randomly varies the meal preference of each user every day, deciding whether they want a “type 1” meal, or a “type 2”, etc. on a given day. This input file is used in this publication
It is also possible to use spreadsheets as input files. To do so you
need to run the ramp
command with the option -i
ramp -i <path to .xlsx input file>
You can input several files, separated from each others by a single blank space
If you already know
how many profile you want to simulate you can indicate it with the
ramp -i <path to .xlsx input file> -n 10
will simulate 10 profiles. Note that you can use this option without
providing a .xlsx
input file with the -i
option, this will then
be equivalent to running python
from the ramp
without being prompted for the number of profile within the console.
If you want to save ramp results to a custom file, you can provide it with the option -o
ramp -i <path to .xlsx input file> -o <path where to save RAMP outputs>
You can provide a number of output files, separated from each others by a single blank space, matching the number of input files.
Other options are documented in the help of ramp, which you access with the -h
ramp -h
If you have existing python input files, you can convert them to
spreadsheet. To do so, go to ramp
folder and run
python -i <path to the input file you wish to convert>
For other example of command lines options, such as setting date ranges, please visit the dedicated section of the documentation.
# importing functions
from ramp import User,calc_peak_time_range,yearly_pattern
# Create a user category
low_income_households = User(
user_name = "low_income_household", # an optional feature for the User class
num_users = 10, # Specifying the number of specific user category in the community
You can add appliances to a user category by:
# adding some appliances for the household
radio = low_income_household.add_appliance(
name = "Small Radio", # optional feature for the appliance class
number = 1, # how many radio each low income household holds
power = 10, # RAMP does not take care of unit of measures , watt
func_time = 120, # Total functioning time of appliance in minutes
num_windows = 2, # in how many time-windows the appliance is used
The use time frames can be specified using the 'window' method for each appliance of the user category:
# Specifying the functioning windows
window_1 = [480,540], # from 8 AM to 9 AM
window_2 = [1320,1380], # from 10 PM to 11 PM
Now you can generate your stochastic Profiles:
# generating load_curves
load = low_income_household.generate_aggregated_load_profiles(
prof_i = 1, # the ith day profile
peak_time_range = calc_peak_time_range(), # the peak time range
Year_behaviour = yearly_pattern(), # defining the yearly pattern (like weekdays/weekends)
This project is open-source. Interested users are therefore invited to test, comment or contribute to the tool. Submitting issues is the best way to get in touch with the development team, which will address your comment, question, or development request in the best possible way. We are also looking for contributors to the main code, willing to contibute to its capabilities, computational-efficiency, formulation, etc.
To contribute changes:
- Fork the project on GitHub
- Create a feature branch (e.g. named "add-this-new-feature") to work on in your fork
- Add your name to the AUTHORS file
- Commit your changes to the feature branch
- Push the branch to GitHub
- On GitHub, create a new pull request from the feature branch
When committing new changes, please also take care of checking code stability by means of the qualitativte testing functionality.
Please cite the original Journal publication if you use RAMP in your research:
F. Lombardi, S. Balderrama, S. Quoilin, E. Colombo, Generating high-resolution multi-energy load profiles for remote areas with an open-source stochastic model, Energy, 2019,
Want to know more about the possible applications of RAMP, the studies that relied on it and much more? Then take a look at the RAMP Website!
Copyright 2019-2023 RAMP, contributors listed in Authors
Licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), Version 1.2-or-later; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This project is under active development!