This app should randomly generate a password with char set that we choose to use, and leave out char set that we decline to use.
Logic :
Clicking on generate password button -we should get a prompt about length -we should create our char set criterias -we should put event listener on the generate btn
-upon deciding about our password length we should get a series of prompt about what we want to use
in our password
-we should put a condition that password length should not be less than 8 char ant do not exceed 128 char
-we can use if statement to check if user input falls within our condition
-if we select a certain criteria that we want in our password then inculde that criteria in our password
-if we do not select a certain criteria then leave that criteria out
-we can use IF statemnt to check which of our criteria is selected/true
-if we dont select any criteria then alert us to use at least one criteria to enable password generation
-when criteria is selected we should randomly pick a char from that set
- we can use IF statement to condition if all of the criteria is false to Alert us that at least one is needed
-when the password is generated
-we are gonna need a function that randomly picks a char
-we are gonna need a function that Loops through criteria and checks which are selected
-then display password on the page
we are gonna need the function that prints our generated password