A plugin for Vite to compile glslify shader code
$ yarn add --D vite-plugin-glslify
# or npm i -D vite-plugin-glslify
Add it to vite.config.*
// vite.config.js
import { glslify } from 'vite-plugin-glslify'
export default {
plugins: [
That's it, now it will compile your glslify shader code.
It will transpile glsl`...` or glsl(`...`).
Other details, see glslify.
const frag = glsl`
#pragma glslify: ease = require('glsl-easings/sine-in')
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 vpos;
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(ease(vpos*25.0),1);
Will be transpiled to
const frag = `
#ifndef HALF_PI
#define HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966
float sineIn(float t) {
return sin((t - 1.0) * HALF_PI) + 1.0;
precision mediump float;
varying vec3 vpos;
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(ease(vpos*25.0),1);
Or you can import files with extensions like *.glsl
, *.vert
, *.frag
, see example.
* A valid `minimatch` pattern, or array of patterns.
export type FilterPattern = ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp> | string | RegExp | null;
import { Plugin } from 'vite';
import { FilterPattern } from '@rollup/pluginutils';
declare type GlslifyTransform<Options = any> = (filename: string, src: string, options: Options, done: (error: any, src: string) => void) => string;
interface GlslifyOptions {
transforms?: (GlslifyTransform | string | [
GlslifyTransform | string,
interface Options {
* included files or folder, defaults to [/\.ts$/, /\.js$/]
include?: FilterPattern;
* excluded files or folder, defaults to ['node_modules/**']
exclude?: FilterPattern;
* should transform literals with literalsCompiler, defaults to true
transformLiterals?: boolean;
* function calling that should be compiled, defaults to [/glsl/]
funcName?: FilterPattern;
* should transform files with filesCompiler, defaults to true
transformFiles?: boolean;
* extensions of files that should be compiled, defaults to [/\.vert$/, /\.frag$/, /\.glsl$/]
extensions?: FilterPattern;
* options passed to glslify
options?: GlslifyOptions;
declare const DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS: RegExp[];
declare function glslify(options?: Options): Plugin[];
export { DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS, glslify as default, glslify };