A panel built for Hyprland with AGS
The HyprPanel Wiki contains in depth instructions for installing the panel and all of its dependencies. The instructions below are general instructions for installing the panel.
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash && \
sudo ln -s $HOME/.bun/bin/bun /usr/local/bin/bun
Additional dependencies:
Optional Dependencies:
## Used for Tracking GPU Usage in your Dashboard (NVidia only)
## Only if a pywal hook from wallpaper changes applied through settings is desired
## To check for pacman updates in the default script used in the updates module
## To switch between power profiles in battery module
sudo pacman -S pipewire libgtop bluez bluez-utils btop networkmanager dart-sass wl-clipboard brightnessctl swww python gnome-bluetooth-3.0 pacman-contrib power-profiles-daemon
yay -S grimblast-git gpu-screen-recorder hyprpicker matugen-bin python-gpustat aylurs-gtk-shell-git
COPR - Add solopasha/hyprland for most hyprland-related dependencies, and hues-sueh/packages for matugen. Both provide the swww
package, so prioritise the former repo:
sudo dnf copr enable solopasha/hyprland
sudo dnf copr enable heus-sueh/packages
sudo dnf config-manager --save --setopt=copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:heus-sueh:packages.priority=200
sudo dnf install pipewire libgtop2 bluez bluez-tools grimblast hyprpicker btop NetworkManager wl-clipboard swww brightnessctl gnome-bluetooth aylurs-gtk-shell power-profiles-daemon gvfs
bun install -g sass
flatpak install flathub --system com.dec05eba.gpu_screen_recorder
sudo dnf install python python3-pip; pip install gpustat pywal
For NixOS/Home-Manager, see NixOS & Home-Manager instructions.
Once everything is installed you need to put the contents of this repo in ~/.config/ags
If you already have something in ~/.config/ags
, it's recommended that you back it up with:
mv $HOME/.config/ags $HOME/.config/ags.bkup
Otherwise you can use this command to install the panel:
git clone https://github.com/Jas-SinghFSU/HyprPanel.git && \
ln -s $(pwd)/HyprPanel $HOME/.config/ags
Additionally, you need to ensure that you have a Nerd Font installed for your icons to render properly.
Afterwards you can run the panel with the following command in your terminal:
Or you can add it to your Hyprland config (hyprland.conf) to auto-start with:
exec-once = ags
Alternatively, if you're using NixOS and/or Home-Manager, you can setup AGS using the provided Nix Flake. First, add the repository to your Flake's inputs, and enable the overlay.
# flake.nix
inputs.hyprpanel.url = "github:Jas-SinghFSU/HyprPanel";
# ...
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs:
# ...
system = "x86_64-linux"; # change to whatever your system should be.
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
# ...
overlays = [
in {
# ...
Once you've set up the overlay, you can reference HyprPanel with pkgs.hyprpanel
as if it were any other Nix package. This means you can reference it as a NixOS system/user package, a Home-Manager user package, or as a direct reference in your Hyprland configuration (if your configuration is managed by Home-Manager). The first three methods will add it to your $PATH
(first globally, second two user-only), however the final will not.
# configuration.nix
# install it as a system package
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# ...
# ...
# or install it as a user package
users.users.<username>.packages = with pkgs; [
# ...
# ...
# home.nix
# install it as a user package with home-manager
home.packages = with pkgs; [
# ...
# ...
# or reference it directly in your Hyprland configuration
wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings.exec-once = [
HyprPanel handles notifications through the AGS built-in notification service. If you're already using a notification daemon such as Dunst or Mako, you may have to stop them to prevent conflicts with HyprPanel.
NOTE: If your system is in a language other than English, the resource monitor in the dashboard may not work properly.
The HyprPanel comes with a configuration menu which is available by opening the Dashboard menu (click the button in the bar with the default - Arch - icon) and then clicking the Gear icon.
The panel is automatically scaled based on your font size in Configuration > General
To specify layouts for each monitor you can create a JSON object such as:
"0": {
"left": [
"middle": [
"right": [
"1": {
"left": [
"middle": [
"right": [
"2": {
"left": [
"middle": [
"right": [
Where each monitor is defined by its index (0, 1, 2 in this case) and each section (left, middle, right) contains one or more of the following modules:
Since the text-box in the options dialog isn't sufficient, it is recommended that you create this JSON configuration in a text editor elsewhere and paste it into the layout text-box under Configuration > Bar > "Bar Layouts for Monitors".
If you have an NVidia GPU, you can track your GPU usage in your Dashboard by going to your Settings > Configuration > Dashboard Menu > Track GPU
and turning it on.