A path planning algorithm based on RRT implemented using ROS.
distro - indigo
The algorithm find an optimized path for a one obstacle environment. The visualtization is done in RVIZ and the code is written in C++.
The package has two executables:
- ros_node
- env_node
RVIZ parameters:
- Frame_id = "/path_planner"
- marker_topic = "path_planner_rrt"
- Open terminal and type
$roscore - Open new terminal and go to the the root of your catkin workspace show the path
$source ./devel/setup.bash
$rosrun path_planning env_node - open new terminal
$rosrun rviz rviz - In the RVIZ window, change:
fixed frame under global option to "/path_planner"
add a marker and change marker topic to "path_planner_rrt" - Open new terminal choose the optimal path
$cd /home/zhan/catkin_ws
$source ./devel/setup.bash
$rosrun path_planning rrt_node
The environment and the path will be visualized in RVIZ.