Note: please refer to ae_instructions.md for getting started instructions and detailed instructions.
If you have any question, please contact us if available ([email protected]).
- Overview
- System Preparation
- Data Preparation
- Running Experiments (Automatic Evaluation)
- Running Workloads (Manual Evaluation)
- Aggregate Statistics (Manual Evaluation)
- Appendix
- FarReach: our in-switch write-back caching
- NoCache: a baseline without in-switch caching
- NetCache: a baseline with in-switch write-through caching
- You can follow our settings below to build your own testbed
- Machine requirements
- Four physical machines with Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
- One main client (hostname: dl11)
- One secondary client (hostname: dl20)
- Two servers (hostnames: dl21 and dl30)
- Note: controller is co-located in the first server (dl21)
- One 2-pipeline Tofino switch with SDE 8.9.1 (hostname: bf3)
- Note: larger SDE version (e.g., 9.0.1) cannot support P4_14 correctly due to compiler its own bugs
- Four physical machines with Ubuntu 16.04/18.04
- Network configuration and topology
- All clients/servers/switch are in the same local area network (IP mask:; NOT bypass {switch} data plane)
- Main client:
- Secondary client:
- First server (co-located with controller):
- Second server:
- Tofino switch OS:
- Testbed topology of programmable-switch-based network (bypass {switch} data plane)
- Main client (NIC: enp129s0f0; MAC: 3c:fd:fe:bb:ca:78) <-> Tofino switch (front panel port: 5/0)
- Secondary client (NIC: ens2f0; MAC: 9c:69:b4:60:34:f4) <-> Tofino switch (front panel port: 21/0)
- First server (NIC: ens2f1; MAC: 9c:69:b4:60:34:e1) <-> Tofino switch (front panel port: 6/0)
- Second server (NIC: ens3f1; MAC: 9c:69:b4:60:ef:c1) <-> Tofino switch (front panel port: 3/0)
- Tofino switch (front panel port: 7/0) <-> Tofino switch (front panel port: 12/0) (for in-switch cross-pipeline recirculation)
- All clients/servers/switch are in the same local area network (IP mask:; NOT bypass {switch} data plane)
- Note: system preparation has already been done in our AE testbed, so AEC members do NOT need to re-execute the following steps.
- Install python libraries for python 2.7.12 in {main client} if not
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install libboost 1.81.0 in {first server} and {second server} if not
- Under project directory (e.g., /home/ssy/projects/farreach-public)
wget https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.81.0/source/boost_1_81_0.tar.gz tar -xzvf boost_1_81_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_81_0; ./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=system,thread --prefix=./install && sudo ./b2 install
- Install Maven 3.3.9 in {main client} and {secondary client} if not
- Install Java OpenJDK-8 in {main client} and {secondary client} if not
- Configure JAVA_HOME: add sth like
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
(based on your own JAVA path) to ~/.bashrc
- Configure JAVA_HOME: add sth like
- Install Tofino SDE 8.9.1 in {switch} if not
- Note: larger version (e.g., 9.0.1) cannot support P4_14 correctly due to compiler its own bugs
- Install gcc-7.5.0 and g++-7.5.0 in two clients and two servers if not (NO need for {switch})
- Use RocksDB 6.22.1 (already embedded in the project; NO need for extra installation)
- Update the following configuration settings in scripts/global.sh based on your own testbed
: Linux username (e.g., ssy)SWITCH\_PRIVATEKEY
: the passwd-free ssh key used by {main client} to connect with {switch} as root user (e.g., ~/.ssh/switch-private-key)- See detailed steps in "Update SSH configuration settings" at the end of this Section 1.2
: the passwd-free ssh key used by the following connections as non-root user (e.g., ~/.ssh/connection-private-key)- By {main client} to connect with two servers and {first server} to connect with {second server} (for loading_and_backup)
- By {switch} to connect with two servers (for maxseq and in-switch snapshot)
- By two servers to connect with two clients (for client-side backups)
- By {second server} to connect with {first server} (co-located with controller) (for in-switch snapshot)
- Note: see detailed steps in "Update SSH configuration settings" at the end of this Section 1.2
: hostname of {main client} (e.g., dl11)SECONDARY\_CLIENT
: hostname of {secondary client} (e.g., dl20)SERVER0
: hostname of {first server} co-located with controller (e.g., dl21)SERVER1
: hostname of {second server} (e.g., dl30)LEAFSWITCH
: hostname of the Tofino {switch} (e.g., bf3)CLIENT/SWITCH/SERVER\_ROOTPATH
: project directory path in clients/switch/servers (e.g., /home/ssy/projects/farreach-public)EVALUATION\_OUTPUT\_PREFIX
: path to store the raw statistics of each experiment for aggregating analysis- Network settings
- Main client
: the IP address of NIC for {main client} connecting to {switch}MAIN_CLIENT_TOSWITCH_MAC
: the MAC address of NIC for {main client} connecting to {switch}MAIN_CLIENT_TOSWITCH_FPPORT
: the front panel port in {switch} data plane corresponding to {main client}MAIN_CLIENT_TOSWITCH_PIPEIDX
: the local IP address of NIC for {main client} connecting to the local area network (NOT bypass {switch} data plane)
- Secondary client
: the IP address of NIC for {secondary client} connecting to {switch}SECONDARY_CLIENT_TOSWITCH_MAC
: the MAC address of NIC for {secondary client} connecting to {switch}SECONDARY_CLIENT_TOSWITCH_FPPORT
: the front panel port in {switch} data plane corresponding to {secondary client}SECONDARY_CLIENT_TOSWITCH_PIPEIDX
: the local IP address of NIC for {secondary client} connecting to the local area network (NOT bypass {switch} data plane)
- First server
: the IP address of NIC for {first server} connecting to {switch}SERVER0_TOSWITCH_MAC
: the MAC address of NIC for {first server} connecting to {switch}SERVER0_TOSWITCH_FPPORT
: the front panel port in {switch} data plane corresponding to {first server}SERVER0_TOSWITCH_PIPEIDX
: the pipeline index (0 or 1) for SERVER0_TOSWITCH_FPPORTSERVER0_LOCAL_IP
: the local IP address of NIC for {first server} connecting to the local area network (NOT bypass {switch} data plane)
- Secondary server
: the IP address of NIC for {second server} connecting to {switch}SERVER1_TOSWITCH_MAC
: the MAC address of NIC for {second server} connecting to {switch}SERVER1_TOSWITCH_FPPORT
: the front panel port in {switch} data plane corresponding to {second server}SERVER1_TOSWITCH_PIPEIDX
: the pipeline index (0 or 1) for SERVER1_TOSWITCH_FPPORTSERVER1_LOCAL_IP
: the local IP address of NIC for {second server} connecting to the local area network (NOT bypass {switch} data plane)
- Controller (co-located with first server)
: the IP address of NIC for {controller} connecting to {switch} (the same as SERVER0_TOSWITCH_IP in our testbed)
- Switch
: the IP address of NIC for {switch} OS connecting to the local area network (NOT bypass {switch} data plane)SWITCH_RECIRPORT_PIPELINE1TO0
: the front panel port in {switch} data plane for pipeline 1 to connect with pipeline 0 for in-switch recirculationSWITCH_RECIRPORT_PIPELINE0TO1
: the front panel port in {switch} data plane for pipeline 0 to connect with pipeline 1 for in-switch recirculation
- Main client
- CPU settings
- First server
: the number of CPU cores specifically used for processing requests in {first server} (e.g. 16)SERVER0_TOTAL_CORENUM
: the total number of CPU cores in {first server} (MUST larger than SERVER0_WORKER_CORENUM; e.g., 48)
- Second server
: the number of CPU cores specifically used for processing requests in {second server} (e.g., 16)SERVER1_TOTAL_CORENUM
: the total number of CPU cores in {second server} (MUST larger than SERVER1_TOTAL_CORENUM; e.g., 48)
- First server
- Run
bash scripts/local/update_config_files.sh
to update ini configuration files based on the above network and CPU settings in scripts/global.sh
- Update ssh configuration settings
- In any of above machines (2 clients, 2 servers, and 1 switch), if you need to manually type yes/no to check the hostname when using ssh command to connect other machines, add the following content to
under the machine:
Host * StrictHostKeyChecking no
- Generate
- Under {main client}, if the ssh key has not been created, run
sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/{USER}/.ssh/switch-private-key
(use empty passwd for no passphrase)- Also run
sudo chown {USER}:{USER} /home/{USER}/.ssh/switch-private-key
(use your Linux username) to change the owner
- Also run
- Append the content of
of {main client}, into/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
of {switch}
- Under {main client}, if the ssh key has not been created, run
- Generate
- Consider the following source-connectwith-destination pairs:
- {main client}-connectwith-{first server} and {main client}-connectwith-{second server}
- {first server}-connectwith-{second server}
- {switch}-connectwith-{first server} and {switch}-connectwith-{second server}
- {first server}-connectwith-{main client}, {first server}-connectwith-{secondary client}, {second server}-connectwith-{main client}, and {second server}-to-{secondary client}
- {second server}-connectwith-{first server} (controller is co-located with {first server})
- For each pair of source connecting with destination
- Under {source}, if the ssh key has not been created, run
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./connection-private-key; mv ./connection-private-key* ~/.ssh
(use empty passwd for no passphrase) - Append the content of
of {source}, into~/.ssh/authorized_keys
of {destination}
- Under {source}, if the ssh key has not been created, run
- Consider the following source-connectwith-destination pairs:
- Double check ssh connectivity under Tofino {switch}
- Try
ssh -i ~/.ssh/connection-private-key {first server}
andssh -i ~/.ssh/connection-private-key {second server}
- If you encouter an error of
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/{USER}/.ssh/known_hosts)
, it means that {USER} does NOT have permission to access~/.ssh
- Run
to enter root mode - Run
chown -R {USER}:{USER} /home/{USER}/.ssh
- Run
- Try
- In any of above machines (2 clients, 2 servers, and 1 switch), if you need to manually type yes/no to check the hostname when using ssh command to connect other machines, add the following content to
- Sync and compile RocksDB (TIME: around 3 hours; ONLY need to perform once)
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/sync_kvs.sh
to sync rocksdb-6.22.1/ to {first server} and {second server} - Under {first server} and {second server}, compile RocksDB
- Run
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev libjemalloc-dev libsnappy-dev
to install necessary dependencies for RocksDB cd rocksdb-6.22.1
PORTABLE=1 make static_lib
- We already comment -Wstrict-prototype and -Werror in RocksDB's Makefile to fix compilation errors due to strict-alias warning
- We use PORTABLE=1 to fix runtime error of illegal instruction when open()
- For each method (farreach or nocache or netcache)
- Run
mkdir /tmp/{method}
to prepare the directory (e.g., /tmp/farreach) for database in advance
- Run
- Run
- Under {main client}, run
- Compile source code for all methods
- Under {main client}:
bash scripts/remote/firstcompile.sh
to compile software code for all methods in clients, servers, and switch(TIME: around 1 hour). - For each {method}, under {switch}
- Run
to enter root mode - Run
cd {method}/tofino; bash compile.sh
to make P4 code (TIME: around 3 hours)- If you have compiled P4 code of {method} before, you do NOT need to re-compile it again
- If you really want to re-compile it (maybe due to P4 code modification), you should delete the corresponding directory (netbufferv4, nocache, or netcache) under $SDE/pkgsrc/p4-build/tofino/ before re-compilation
- Run
- Under {main client}:
- Building your testbed based on network settings provided by
- Before running the following scripts, in each of clients and servers (NO need for Tofino switch)
- Append the following content into
bysudo vim
{USER} hard nofile 1024000 {USER} soft nofile 1024000
- Append the following content into
- In {main client}, run
bash scripts/local/configure_client.sh 0
- In {secondary client}, run
bash scripts/local/configure_client.sh 1
- In {first server}, run
bash scripts/local/configure_server.sh 0
- In {second server}, run
bash scripts/local/configure_server.sh 1
- In {switch} OS, run
to enter root mode and runbash scripts/local/configure_switchos.sh
- Before running the following scripts, in each of clients and servers (NO need for Tofino switch)
- Note: data preparation has already been done in our AE testbed, so AEC members do NOT need to re-execute the following steps.
- Perform the loading phase and backup for evaluation time reduction (TIME: around 40 minutes; ONLY need to perform once)
- Under {main client}
- Run
bash scripts/remote/setmethod.sh nocache
to set DIRNAME as nocache and sync to other machines. - Run
bash scripts/remote/prepare_load.sh
to copy recordload/config.ini to overwrite nocache/config.ini in all clients, servers, and switch
- Run
- Under {switch}, create two terminals
- In the first terminal
cd nocache/tofino
- Run
to enter root mode - Run
bash start_switch.sh
to launch nocache switch data plane, which will open a CLI
- In the second terminal
cd nocache
- Run
to enter root mode - Run
bash localscripts/launchswitchostestbed.sh
to launch nocache switch OS and other daemon processes
- In the first terminal
- Under {main client}
- Run
bash scripts/remote/load_and_backup.sh
to launch servers and clients automatically for loading and backup- Note: scripts/remote/load_and_backup.sh will kill servers and clients at the end automatically
- Note: scripts/remote/load_and_backup.sh will also resume the original nocache/config.ini in all clients, server, and switch after all steps
- Run
- Under {switch}
- In the first terminal
Type exit and press enter
to stop switch data plane- If CLI is still NOT closed,
type Ctrl+C
in the CLI to stop switch data plane
- In the second terminal
cd nocache
- Run
to enter root mode - Run
bash localscripts/stopswitchtestbed.sh
to stop switch OS and other daemon processes
- In the first terminal
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/stopall.sh
to forcely kill all processses
- Under {main client}
- Analyze workloads to generate workload-related information before evaluation (ONLY need to perform once)
- Workload-related information includes:
- Dump hot keys and per-client-thread pregenerated workloads (independent with server rotation scale (i.e., # of simulated servers))
- Generate key poularity change rules for dynamic patterns (independent with server rotation scale)
- Calculate bottleneck partitions for different server rotation scales (i.e., 16, 32, 64, and 128)
- For each {workload}
- Options of {workload}
- YCSB core workloads: workloada, workloadb, workloadc, workloadd, workloadf, workload-load
- Synthetic workloads: synthetic (i.e., 100% writes, 0.99 skewness, 128B valuesize), synthetic-25, synthetic-75, skewness-90, skewness-95, uniform, valuesize-16, valuesize-32, valuesize-64
- Note: NO need to analyze the following workloads due to duplication
- synthetic-0 is the same as workloadc
- synthetic-50 is the same as workloada
- synthetic-100, skewness-99, and valuesize-128 are the same as synthetic
- TIME cost of workload analysis
- Each of most workloads needs around 5 minutes (including workloada, workloadb, workloadc, workloadd, workloadf, workload-load, synthetic, valuesize-16, valuesize-32, and valuesize-64)
- Each of other workloads needs 20 minutes to 40 minutes (including skewness-90 of 20m, skewness-95 of 40m, and uniform of 30m)
- The reason is that YCSB uses Zipfian key generator with small skewness and uniform key generator for these workloads, which incurs large computation overhead
- Although workload-load is also uniform distribution, YCSB uses counter generator which has small computation overhead
- Under {main client}
- Update workload_name as {workload} in
- Note: you do NOT need to change configurations related with server rotation scales (i.e., server_total_logical_num and server_total_logical_num_for_rotation) in
, which is NOT used here
- Note: you do NOT need to change configurations related with server rotation scales (i.e., server_total_logical_num and server_total_logical_num_for_rotation) in
- Run
bash scripts/remote/keydump_and_sync.sh
to dump workload-related information (e.g., hot keys and bottleneck serveridx), and sync them to all clients, servers, and switch
- Update workload_name as {workload} in
- Options of {workload}
- Workload-related information includes:
Note: you can refer to AE instructions for getting started instructions and detailsed instructions.
Note: if you want to add any new experiment script by youself in
, the script file name should NOT include the reserved strings (ycsb, server, controller, reflector, and server_rotation); otherwise, the new experiment script may be killed by itself during evaluation.
- To reproduce experiments in our evaluation, we provide the following scripts under
- We use server rotation to cope with limited machines, which requires relatively long time
- Each iteration fixes the bottleneck partition (and deploys a non-bottleneck partition) (TIME: around 5 minutes)
- Each server rotation comprises tens of iterations to simulate multiple machines (TIME: around 1-8 hour(s))
- Each experiment needs multiple server rotations for different methods and parameter settings (TIME: around 1-2 day(s))
- Each round includes multiple experiments to evaluate from different perspectives (TIME: around 1 week)
- We need multiple rounds to reduce runtime variation (TIME: around 1-2 month(s))
- Note: as the time for evaluation is relatively long, you may want to run scripts in the background
- Make sure that you use
to run each script in the background, otherwise the script will be killed by OS after you log out from the ssh connection
- Make sure that you use
- Note: before and after each experiment, run
to forcely kill all processes to avoid confliction
- We use server rotation to cope with limited machines, which requires relatively long time
- Note: if you encouter many timeouts when issuing in main client, your servers may fail to be launched (e.g., due to code compilation with incorrect serve rotation enabling/disabling) or may be launched with a large delay (e.g., due to limited server-side power in your testbed to load database files of 100M records pre-loaded before), therefore the client-issued requests are not answered and hence have timeouts.
- You can increase the sleep time after launching servers yet before launching clients in
(now is 240s),scripts/remote/test_server_rotation.sh
(now is 60s),scripts/remote/test_server_rotation_p1.sh
(now is 120s), andscripts/remote/test_server_rotation_p2.sh
(now is 120s).
- You can increase the sleep time after launching servers yet before launching clients in
- Note: if you encouter any other problem, you can keep the critical information and contact us if available ([email protected]) for help
- The causes of problem may be testbed mis-configuration, script mis-usage, resource confliction (e.g., Tofino switch data plane cannot support multiple P4 programs simultaneously), Tofino hardware bugs, and our code bugs
- The critical information should include: command history of terminal, dumped information of scripts, log files generated by scripts(e.g.,
in servers and switch,benchmark/ycsb/tmp\_\*.out
in clients, and{method}/tofino/tmp\_\*.out
in switch), and raw statistics generated by YCSB clients (e.g.,benchmark/ycsb/{method}-statistics/
Scripts for different experiments
Exp # Scripts Description 1 run_exp_throughput.sh Throughput analysis for different YCSB core workloads under static workload pattern (with server rotation) 2 run_exp_latency.sh Latency analysis for different target throughputs under static workload pattern (with server rotation) 3 run_exp_scalability.sh Scalability for different # of simulated servers under static workload pattern (with server rotation) 4 run_exp_write_ratio.sh Synthetic workloads with different write ratios under static workload pattern (with server rotation) 5 run_exp_key_distribution.sh Synthetic workloads with different key distributions under static workload pattern (with server rotation) 6 run_exp_value_size.sh Synthetic workloads with different value sizes under static workload pattern (with server rotation) 7 run_exp_dynamic.sh Synthetic workloads with different dynamic workload patterns (NO server rotation) 8 run_exp_snapshot.sh Performance and control-plane bandwidth overhead of snapshot generation under different dynamic workload patterns (NO server rotation) 9 run_exp_recovery.sh Crash recovery time under static workload pattern (with server rotation) 10 N/A See hardware reousrce usage of {method} in corresponding directory in {switch} (e.g., $SDE/pkgsrc/p4-build/tofino/nocache/visualization
, and$SDE/pkgsrc/p4-build/tofino/netbufferv4/visualization
, where netbufferv4 corresponds to farreach)
- Other useful scripts
- scripts/remote/stopall.sh: forcely to stop and kill ycsb clients, server rotation scripts, dynamic scripts, servers (including controller and simulated reflector), and switch (including data plane and switch OS).
- Note: you can run this script to kill all involved processes, if the previous experiment fails (e.g., due to testbed mis-configuration)
- scripts/remote/enable_server_rotation.sh: update common/helper.h to enable server rotation and re-compile software code of all methods
- scripts/remote/disable_server_rotation.sh: update common/helper.h to disable server rotation and re-compile software code of all methods
- scripts/results/*.sh: parse raw output file of run_exp_*.sh to get results
- scripts/remote/stopall.sh: forcely to stop and kill ycsb clients, server rotation scripts, dynamic scripts, servers (including controller and simulated reflector), and switch (including data plane and switch OS).
- With server rotation: run each {experiment} except exp_dynamic and exp_snapshot
- Options of {experiment}: exp_throughput, exp_latency, exp_scalability, exp_write_ratio, exp_key_distribution, exp_value_size, and exp_recovery
- Under {main client}
- Re-compile all methods to enable server rotation if NOT:
bash scripts/remote/enable_server_rotation.sh
- Run
nohup bash scripts/exps/run_{experiment}.sh <roundnumber> >tmp_{experiment}.out 2>&1 &
- Note: we run each experiment for multiple rounds to eliminate the effect of runtime variation (e.g., RocksDB fluctuation), so we need to specify to indicate the index of the current round for running an experiment
- Re-compile all methods to enable server rotation if NOT:
- After experiment, under {main client}
bash scripts/remote/stopall.sh
to kill all involved processesbash scripts/results/parse_{experiment}.sh tmp_{experiment}.out
to get results
- Without server rotation: run {experiment} of exp_dynamic or exp_snapshot
- Under {main client}
- Re-compile code to disable server rotation if NOT:
bash scripts/remote/disable_server_rotation.sh
- Run
bash scripts/exps/run_{experiment} <roundnumber>
- Note: we run each experiment for multiple rounds to eliminate the effect of runtime variation (e.g., RocksDB fluctuation), so we need to specify to indicate the index of the current round
- Re-compile code to disable server rotation if NOT:
- After experiment, under {main client}
bash scripts/remote/stopall.sh
to kill all involved processesbash scripts/results/parse_{experiment}.sh tmp_{experiment}.out
to get results
- As most experiments use server rotation for static pattern instead of dynamic patterns, you may want to re-compile your code to enable server rotation again
- Under {main client}, enable server rotation:
bash scripts/remote/enable_server_rotation.sh
- Under {main client}, enable server rotation:
- Under {main client}
- Notes for exp_recovery
- Possible errors for scp in
(maybe due to testbed mis-configurations)- If you have an error of
hot key verification failed
, check whether {switch} can connect with two servers, two servers can connect with two clients, and {second server} can connect with {first server}, by CONNECTION_PRIVATEKEY - If you have an error of
permission denied
when transfering files, check the correctness of ownership for /tmp/farreach in {switch} and two servers - If you have an error of
permission denied (public key)
, check whether you spefcify the correct CONNECTION_PRIVATEKEY in {switch} and two servers
- If you have an error of
- If you want to test recovery time based on previous raw statistics of exp_recovery instead of running server-rotation-based experiment for exp_recovery again
- Step 1: check
under {main client}- Make sure
points to the path of previous raw statistics of exp-recovery (including in-switch snapshot, client-side backups, and maxseq) generated by previous server-rotation-based experiments
- Make sure
- Step 2: under {main client}
- Set
as 1 inscriptsexps/run_exp_recovery.sh
- Run
, which will skip the step of running a new server-rotation-based experiment for exp_recovery
- Set
- Step 1: check
- Note: crash recovery time is strongly related with network settings in each specific testbed. which may have differences in units of 0.1 seconds
- Possible errors for scp in
- During one server rotation composed of tens of iterations, some iterations may fail due to database performance fluctuation or unstable testbed
- To fix this issue, we provide a script to run a single iteration (TIME: around 5 minutes) for each failed iteration instead of re-running all iterations of the server rotation (TIME: around 1-8 hour(s)), which is time-consuming
- If scripts (e.g.,
) say that you need to perform a single iteration for each missing iteration number of an incomplete server rotation of the experiment- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/exps/run_makeup_rotation_exp.sh <expname> <roundnumber> <methodname> <workloadname> <serverscale> <bottleneckidx> <targetrotation> [targetthpt]
to launch a single iterationexpname
: experiment name (eg.: "exp1" for throughput analysis)- Note:
only indicates the path to store rawstatistics, yet NOT affect experiment results
- Note:
: the index of the current round for running the experiment (eg.: 0)methodname
: experiment method (eg.: farreach)workloadname
: workload name (eg.: workloada)serverscale
: number of simulated servers (eg.: 16)bottleneckidx
: bottleneck server index of server rotation related with the workload and scale (eg.: 14)targetrotation
: the non-bottleneck server index in the missing iteration (eg.: 10)targetthpt
: the target throughput of the server rotation for the missing iteration, only applicable for exp2 (latency analysis)- The above arguments of
are determined by the missing iteration of the server rotation for the specific experiment- For example, for exp_throughput, you may pass arguments with
expname=exp1, roundnumber=0, methodname=farreach, workloadname=workloada, serverscale=16, bottleneckidx=14, targetrotation=10
to execute the 11th iteration- The script will deploy the bottleneck serveridx 14 in {first server} and the non-bottleneck serveridx 10 in {second server} for the single iteration, and update the raw statistics in place
- For example, for exp_throughput, you may pass arguments with
- Note:
should NOT support exp_dynamic or exp_snapshot, as the experiments of dynamic workload patterns do NOT use server rotation- Therefore, this script ONLY works for experiments with server rotation: exp_key_distribution, exp_latency, exp_scalability, exp_value_size, exp_write_ratio, and exp_throughput
- Note:
now does NOT support the failure of the first iteration (i.e., ONLY the bottleneck partition is deployed in {first server})- You may refer to Section 4.2 (especially for Step 4) to use
- Make sure
, and${method}/config.ini
are correctly configured before runningscripts/remote/test_server_rotation_p1.sh
- (TODO) We may update
to support the first iteration in the future
- You may refer to Section 4.2 (especially for Step 4) to use
- Under {main client}, run
- Decide {workload} (e.g., workloada), {method} (e.g., farreach), and {dynamic pattern} (e.g., hotin) to use
- Options of {dynamic pattern}: hotin, hotout, and random
- Note:
include all the following steps (except step 2, as the two scripts assume that you have already disabled server rotation in advance)
- Step 1: prepare ini config files (under {main client})
- Update settings in the config file
(e.g., farreach/config.ini):- Set
=1 - Set
={workload} - Set
={dynamic pattern} - Set
=2 - Set
=2 - Set
=0 - Set
- Set
- Set DIRNAME as {method} in
- Double-check the global testbed settings in scripts/global.sh based on your testbed
- Update settings in the config file
- Step 2: if server rotation is enabled (default setting), re-compile code to disable server rotation
- Under {main client}, disable server rotation
- Comment line 82 (#define SERVER_ROTATION) in
to diable server rotation - Run
bash scripts/remote/sync_file.sh common helper.h
to sync code changes to all machines
- Comment line 82 (#define SERVER_ROTATION) in
- Under {main client}, for the current {method}, re-compile software code (NO need for P4 code)
- Set DIRNAME as {method} in
- Run
bash scripts/remote/sync_file.sh scripts common.sh
- Under {main client} and {secondary client}, run
bash scripts/local/makeclient.sh
- Under {first server} and {second server}, run
bash scripts/local/makeserver.sh
- Under {switch}, run
bash scripts/local/makeswitchos.sh
- Set DIRNAME as {method} in
- Under {main client}, disable server rotation
- Step 3: launch switch data plane and switch OS
- Create two terminals in {switch}
- Launch switch data plane in the first terminal
cd {method}/tofino
- Run
bash start_switch.sh
, which will open a CLI
- Launch switch OS and other daemon processes (for cache management and snapshot generation) in the second terminal
cd {method}
bash localscripts/launchswitchostestbed.sh
- Note: if you encounter any problem, you can check the log files of
in {switch}
- Step 4: launch servers and clients without server rotation
- Under {main client}:
bash scripts/remote/test_dynamic.sh
- Note: if you encouter any problem
- You can check the output of {main client}
- You can check the log files of
in {secondary client} - You can check the log files of
in {first server} and {second server}
- Under {main client}:
- Step 5: cleanup testbed
- Under {switch}
- Stop switch data plane in the CLI of the first terminal
Type exit and press enter
- If CLI is not closed,
type Ctrl+C
- Stop switch OS and other daemon processes in the second terminal
cd {method}
bash localscripts/stopswitchtestbed.sh
- Stop switch data plane in the CLI of the first terminal
- Under {main client}
- Run
bash scripts/remote/stopservertestbed.sh
to stop servers - Run
bash scripts/remote/stopall.sh
to forcely kill all processses
- Run
- Under {switch}
- Step 6: aggregate statistics
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/calculate_statistics.sh
- Under {main client}, run
- Step 7: if you do NOT run dynamic workload patterns, you should re-compile code to enable server rotation
- Under {main client}, enable server rotation
- Uncomment line 82 (#define SERVER_ROTATION) in
to enable server rotation bash scripts/remote/sync_file.sh common helper.h
to sync code changes to all machines
- Uncomment line 82 (#define SERVER_ROTATION) in
- Under {main client}, for the current {method}, re-compile software code (NO need for P4 code)
- Set DIRNAME as {method} in
- Run
bash scripts/remote/sync_file.sh scripts common.sh
- Under {main client} and {secondary client}, run
bash scripts/local/makeclient.sh
- Under {first server} and {second server}, run
bash scripts/local/makeserver.sh
- Under {switch}, run
bash scripts/local/makeswitchos.sh
- Set DIRNAME as {method} in
- Under {main client}, enable server rotation
- Decide {workload} (e.g., workloada) and {method} (e.g., farreach) to use
- Note: we assmue that you have analyzed {workload} to get {bottleneck serveridx} for your {server rotation scale}
- If not, please refer to Section 2.2 for workload analysis
- As bottleneck server index is stable for a given <{workload}, {server rotation scale}>, you can also directly refer to the appendix table in Section 6.1
- Note: we assume that you have already compiled code with server rotation enabled
- If not, please refer to step 7 in Section 4.1 to re-compile code for enabling server rotation
- Note: the scripts in
(except run_exp_dynamic.sh and run_exp_snapshot.sh) include all the following steps
- Note: we assmue that you have analyzed {workload} to get {bottleneck serveridx} for your {server rotation scale}
- Step 1: prepare ini config files (under {main client})
- Update settings in the config file
(e.g., farreach/config.ini):- Set
={workload} - Set
=0 - Set
={bottleneck serveridx} - Set
={server rotation scale} - Note:
must have the correct {bottleneck serveridx} and {server rotation scale}- Otherwise, client-side PregeneratedWorkload will issue the requests of incorrect partitions (corresponding to non-running servers) and hence timeout
- Set
- Set DIRNAME as {method} in
- Double-check the global testbed settings in
based on your testbed
- Update settings in the config file
- Step 2: prepare for launching switch data plane and switch OS
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/prepare_server_rotation.sh
- This script can generate and sync a new {method}/config.ini based on the existing
with the configurations you set in step 1- The main changes in the new
is that it setsserver0::server_logical_idxes
as ${bottleneck serveridx} (e.g., 14), and setsserver1::server_logical_idxes
as all other serveridxes except ${bottleneck serveridx} (e.g., 0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:15)
- The main changes in the new
- The goal is that {switch} can use the new
to configure packet forwarding rules, such that we do NOT need to re-launch switch during server rotation
- This script can generate and sync a new {method}/config.ini based on the existing
- Under {main client}, run
- Step 3: launch switch data plane and switch OS
- Create two terminals in {switch}
- Launch switch data plane in the first terminal
cd {method}/tofino
- Run
bash start_switch.sh
, which will open a CLI
- Launch switch OS and other daemon processes (for cache management and snapshot generation) in the second terminal
cd {method}
bash localscripts/launchswitchostestbed.sh
- Note: if you encounter any problem, you can check the log files of
and {method}/tofino/tmp_*.out in {switch}
- Step 4: launch servers and clients with server rotation
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/test_server_rotation.sh
- Phase 1: test_server_rotation.sh invokes
to run the first iteration (the bottleneck partition is deployed into {first server}) - Phase 2: test_server_rotation.sh invokes
to run the ith iteration (the bottleneck partition is deployed into {first server}, and the ith non-bottleneck partition is deployed into {second server}), where 1 <= i <= {server rotation scale}-1
- Phase 1: test_server_rotation.sh invokes
- Under {main client}, perform a single iteration for each failed iteration if any
- If strid=server-x is missed, run
bash scripts/remote/test_server_rotation_p1.sh 1
- If strid=server-x-y is missed, run:
bash scripts/remote/test_server_rotation_p2.sh 1 y
- If strid=server-x is missed, run
- Under {main client}, run
- Step 5: cleanup testbed
- Under {switch}
- Stop switch data plane in the CLI of the first terminal
Type exit and press enter
- If CLI is not closed,
type Ctrl+C
- Stop switch OS and other daemon processes in the second terminal
cd {method}
bash localscripts/stopswitchtestbed.sh
- Stop switch data plane in the CLI of the first terminal
- Under {main client}
- Run
bash scripts/remote/stopservertestbed.sh
to stop servers - Run
bash scripts/remote/stopall.sh
to forcely kill all processses
- Run
- Under {switch}
- Step 6: aggregate statistics
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/calculate_statistics.sh
- Under {main client}, run
- We provide the following scripts to help aggregate statistics
- calculate_statistics.sh: calculate throughput and latency with or without server rotation
- calculate_bwcost.sh: calculate control-plane bandwidth cost
- calculate_recovery_time.sh: calculate crash recovery time
- Notes
- If you use automatic way in Section 3 for evaluation
- As
scripts have aggregated the statistics automatically, you can redirect stdout of the script into a file and find aggregated results in the file - For example, after
nohup bash scripts/exps/run_exp_throughput.sh >tmp.out 2>&1 &
, you can find aggregated results in tmp.out
- As
- If you use manual way in Section 4 for evaluation
- You can follow Section 5.2 to run a script (e.g., calculate_statistics.sh) and get the corresponding gggregated statistics
- The scripts will aggregate the statistics based on the settings in
, and{method}/config.ini
- If you use automatic way in Section 3 for evaluation
- Calculate throughput and latency with server rotation yet without target throughput
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/calculate_statistics.sh 0
- Supported experiments: exp1, exp3, exp4, exp5, and exp6
- Output example:
... [STATIC] average bottleneck totalthpt: 0.092875 MOPS; switchthpt: 0.0245 MOPS; serverthpt: 0.0675625 MOPS [STATIC] aggregate throughput: 1.31126577666 MOPS; normalized throughput: 19.4081891088, imbalanceratio: 1.01388888889 [STATIC] average latency 286.901026111 us, medium latency 85 us, 90P latency 584 us, 95P latency 1717 us, 99P latency 2597 us ...
- Under {main client}, run
- Calculate throughput and latency with server rotation and with target throughput
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/calculate_statistics.sh 1
- Supported experiment: exp2
- Output example:
... [STATIC] average bottleneck totalthpt: 0.0173125 MOPS; switchthpt: 0.00975 MOPS; serverthpt: 0.006875 MOPS [STATIC] aggregate throughput: 0.190073026316 MOPS; normalized throughput: 27.6469856459, imbalanceratio: 1.0 [STATIC] average latency 94.8354988254 us, medium latency 57 us, 90P latency 90 us, 95P latency 123 us, 99P latency 1123 us ...
- Under {main client}, run
- Calculate throughput and latency of dynamic workload
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/calculate_statistics.sh 0
- Supported experiments: exp7, exp8
- Output example:
... [DYNAMIC] per-second statistics: thpt (MOPS): [0.178, 0.245, ... , 0.215] normalized thpt: [3.2962962962962963, 3.310810810810811, ... , 3.2575757575757573] imbalanceratio: [1.0, 1.0, ... , 1.0153846153846153] avg latency (us): [497.21625182852614, 517.8129587343011, ... , 501.72249302450666] medium latency (us): [120, 95, ... , 132] 90P latency (us): [1487, 1571, ... , 1579] 95P latency (us): [1535, 1610, ... , 1642] 99P latency (us): [1614, 1687, ... , 1729] [DYNAMIC][OVERALL] avgthpt 0.228106666667 MOPS, avelat 0 us, medlat 0 us, 90Plat 0 us, 95Plat 0 us, 99Plat 0 us ...
- Under {main client}, run
- Calculate control-plane bandwidth cost
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/calculate_bwcost.sh
- Supported experiment: exp8
- Output example:
perserver avglocalbwcost: [0.18816512500000002, 0.18981975, ... s, 0.19562] average bwcost of entire control plane: 4.18830950595 MiB/s
- Under {main client}, run
- Calculate crash recovery time
- Under {main client}, run
bash scripts/remote/calculate_recovery_time.sh <roundnumber>
- Supported experiment: exp9
- Output example:
Server collect time: 1.0 s Server preprocess time: 0.016991 s Server replay time: 0.0106864375 s Server total recovery time: 1.0276774375 s Switch collect time: 0.9605 s Switch replay time: 0.338202 s Switch total recovery time: 1.298702 s
- Under {main client}, run
Workload Name | Scale | Bottleneck Serveridx |
workload-load | 16 | 13 |
workloada | 16 | 14 |
workloadb | 16 | 14 |
workloadc | 16 | 14 |
workloadd | 16 | 15 |
workloadf | 16 | 14 |
synthetic | 16 | 14 |
synthetic-* | 16 | 14 |
valuesize-* | 16 | 14 |
skewness-90 | 16 | 8 |
skewness-95 | 16 | 8 |
uniform | 16 | 5 |
workloada | 32 | 29 |
workloada | 64 | 59 |
workloada | 128 | 118 |
- We haved changed parameters of some workload profiles in
for sysnthetic workloads- For write ratio (e.g., 25%), change readproportion and updateproportion in workloads/synthetic as workloads/synthetic-XXX (e.g., workloads/synthetic-25)
- For value size (e.g., 32), change fieldlength in workloads/synthetic as workloads/valuesize-XXX (e.g., workloads/valuesize-32)
- For skewness (e.g., 0.9), change requestdistribution and zipfianconstant in workloads/synthetic as workloads/skewness-XXX (e.g., workloads/skewness-0.9) and workloads/uniform
- Paths for raw statistics and aggregated results
- Under static pattern with server rotation
- {main client} and {secondary client} should dump raw statistics into
benchmark/output/{workloadname}-statistics/{method}-static{server rotation scale}-client{physicalidx}.out
(e.g., benchmark/output/workloada-statistics/farreach-static16-client0.out)
- {main client} and {secondary client} should dump raw statistics into
- Under dynamic pattern without server rotation
- {main client} and {secondary client} should dump raw statistics into
benchmark/output/{workloadname}-statistics/{method}-{dynamic pattern}-client{physicalidx}.out
(e.g., benchmark/output/synthetic-statistics/farreach-hotin-client0.out)
- {main client} and {secondary client} should dump raw statistics into
- If you use manual way as in Section 4 for evaluation
- As the paths of raw statistics do NOT have other parameter information (e.g., write ratio or skewness), you need to aggregate the raw statistics before running the next experiment, which may overwrite them
- You can refer to Section 5 to get aggregated results for the current experiment
- You can also backup the raw statistics files for the current experiment if necessary, which will be overwritten next time
- Note: the scripts of automatic way for evaluation in Section 3 will automatically aggregate and backup raw statistics, so you do NOT need to do it manually
- As the paths of raw statistics do NOT have other parameter information (e.g., write ratio or skewness), you need to aggregate the raw statistics before running the next experiment, which may overwrite them
- Under static pattern with server rotation
- Evaluation results in AE version may be larger
- Examples
- Take hotin pattern in exp_dynamic as an example
- In the evaluation version, FarReach can achieve around 0.23MOPS (nocache/netcache achieve 0.13MOPS) in Exp#7 and Exp#8
- In the latest AE version, FarReach can achieve around 0.28MOPS (nocache/netcache achieve 0.16MOPS) in Exp#7 and Exp#8
- Take static pattern in exp_recovery as an example
- In the evaluation version, FarReach can achieve around 2.0MOPS for the synthetic workload
- In the latest AE version, FarReach can achieve around 2.3MOPS for the synthetic workload
- Take hotin pattern in exp_dynamic as an example
- Reasons
- Main reason
- In the evaluation version, each server in our testbed only has 24 CPU cores
- However, in the latest AE version, due to the unavailability of our evaluation testbed, we use a new testbed where each server has 48 CPU cores
- More computation resources in servers can improve the performance of key-value storage
- Secondary reason
- In the evaluation version, we kill servers immediately after storing 100M records into server-side KVS for loading phase
- During evaluation, server-side KVS still have background compression operations (caused by writes of loading phase) and hence incur some write stalls to reduce performance
- However, in the latest AE version, we kill servers 10 minutes after storing 100M records into server-side KVS for loading phase, such that all background compression operations caused by writes of loading phase will be completed
- During evaluation, server-side KVS will NOT perform compression operations for writes of loading phase and hence NOT incur write stalls
- In the evaluation version, we kill servers immediately after storing 100M records into server-side KVS for loading phase
- Main reason
- Summary: we emphasize that the results are still reasonable
- First, the performance is also strongly related with the power of specific testbed, so it is reasonable to have larger numbers under a more powerful testbed
- Second, both versions can achieve a fair comparison between FarReach and baselines, which does NOT affect our conclusions
- Example of hotin pattern in exp_dynamic: the throughput of nocache/netcache is always around 57% of that of farreach in each version
- Examples