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HopRAG is a Graph-based RAG project that stores passages in a Neo4j graph database(version:community 5.26.0), builds an index, and performs retrieval-augmented generation. It can be used for specific RAG evaluation datasets. Note:All paths in the project files need to be replaced with your local paths. We provide demo datasets from HotpotQA and MuSiQue for quickstart in quickstart_dataset

0. Neo4j, LLM api, embedding model Preparation

  • Make sure you download neo4j database locally and can log into your account freely. Change the neo4j_url,neo4j_user,neo4j_password,neo4j_dbname in so that you can log into it through python.
  • Change the personal_base,personal_key,default_gpt_model in so that you can call LLM through api in python.
  • Make sure you download the embedding model locally and change the embed_model,embed_model_dict,embed_dim in
  • Please note that the recommended version of Neo4j is community 5.26.0; the recommended python version is 3.10.10

1. Prepare the Dataset

Preprocess .json format test set file using the process_data function in the file. The preprocessing will write the passages for all the questions from the test set as .txt files into the specified directory and transform the .json test file into .jsonl format. You might need to revise it according to the format of the specific dataset.

  • for hotpotqa or 2wiki dataset, you can proprocess it using main_hotpot_2wiki function. Please note that here the function will use \n\n to join sentences, which may affect your chunking delimeter signal in Please make sure they are consistent and customized to your chunking need.
  • for musique dataset, since it is already in .jsonl format, we can use main_musique function to write the doc pool.Since different questions from musique dataset may include the same doc for context, we also produce a id2txt .json file to create the mapping from each id to its unique doc text. We prepare two example datasets from hotpotqa and musique for quickstart, which are quickstart_dataset/hotpot_example.json and quickstart_dataset/musique_example.json respectively.

2. Build Nodes

Run the main_nodes function in the file to build nodes in the graph. Please note that the following variable needs to be reset before you begin:

  • Each node contains a chunk from a document text file in the doc pool directory (for example quickstart_dataset/hotpot_example_docs ). You can change the chunking delimeter by setting the signal in according to the txt file in the doc pool.
  • In neo4j, each node,edge and index has a type(namely its name). You can change these three names by chaning the following variables:
    • for node type: label in ;
    • for edge type: the substring in create_pending2answerable and create_abstract2answerable in they are pen2ans_hotpot_example but you can change it according to your need)
    • for index type: the four index variables in create_index function in, respectively for node_dense_index, edge_dense_index, node_sparse_index, edge_sparse_index. The index name will be used during retrival so please make sure they are consistent with the index names in Please also note that here the two type variables in create_index function (for demonstration they are pen2ans_hotpot_example) should also be consistent with the substring edge type in create_pending2answerable and create_abstract2answerable in
  • In main_nodes function, the following variables are introduced:
    • cache_dir: to save the nodes that are finished. Since building nodes from a large pool of documents may be a time-consuming job for large dataset and may encounter interruption, is designed to skip the document that has been processed by checking the cache_dir and continue from where it is interrupted. Here it is quickstart_dataset/cache_hotpot for demonstration.
    • docs_dir: the doc pool directory from step1. Here it is set as quickstart_dataset/hotpot_example_docs for demonstration.

3. Build Edges and Index

Run the main_edges_index function in the file. In main_edges_index funtion:

  • cache_dir should be the same the cache_dir used for main_nodes function. The cache_dir can cover the builder stage for one dataset(for example HotpotQA) but should be re-initialized for another dataset (for example MuSiQue )
  • problems_path should be the .jsonl file from stage1 containing the specific queries.
  • Make sure you specify the four index and type varibales in create_index function since create_index will be called after finishing creating edges.
  • create_edges_hotpot function will create edges among nodes after finishing building nodes for the doc pool of HotpotQA and this function is tailored for the specific format of HotpotQA( and 2wiki since they basically share the same format). You may notice that there is a create_edges_musique function that highly resembles create_edges_hotpot. It is tailored for the format of MuSiQue. You can change the specific function used in main_edges_index. Here we demonstrate the version with create_edges_hotpot. But different datasets share the same main_nodes function.

After finishing building nodes and edges, the cache_dir directory will contain:

  • docid2nodes.json is a dict that maps from the local txt file name (str) to a list of node id(list of int) in the online database.
  • node2questiondict.pkl is a dict storing the mapping from the node in neo4j to its question dict. The specific format is the same as the node2questiondict in create_nodes function (Dict[Tuple[int,str],Dict[str,List[Tuple[str,Set,np.ndarray]]]]).
  • edges_done.pkl is a pickle file for a set that contains all the local text files' names which have finished building edges. These three files can be used when incrementally updating the graph. For example when more questions or docs are added, these cache files will help avoid building new nodes for the same docs.

4. Retrieval

Once the graph-structure is built, you can try retrieving the context with a given query by the search_docs function in But please note that this step is for testing the graph database and the retrieval phase, but not for generation. In step 5 the will use the to retrieve context and then generate response. For, there are some variables that need to be set properly according to your own need:

  • label in __init__:the index prefix for each dataset in neo4j database. For example if the 4 index names in,hotpot_example_edge_dense_index,hotpot_example_node_sparse_index,hotpot_example_edge_sparse_index) shares the same prefix hotpot_example_ then label should be set as hotpot_example_. By such design we can retrieve differnent contents from different index, for queries from different datasets by simply shifting the index prefix, even if the nodes from different datasets are stored in the same database in neo4j.
  • llm in __init__: the llm used in retrieval for reasoning-augmented graph traversal ( not for generation).
  • embed_model for self.emb_model. This should be the exact embedding model in
  • other hyperparameters: max_hop,entry_type,topk,traversal etc. Please refer to the corresponding function for their usage.

We also present an example at the bottom of If you get a list of str as context, feel free to continue!

5. Retrieval-augmented Generation

Once the retrieval function is tested, run the main function in the file via the command line to specify the hyperparameters and start the retrieval-augmented generation process. Command-line example might be:

nohup python3 --model_name 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125' --data_path 'quickstart_dataset/hotpot_example.jsonl' \
--retriever_name 'HopRetriever' --max_hop 4 --topk 20 --traversal bfs --mode common --label 'your_index_prefix_in_neo4j'  > nohup.txt  &

Please note that:

  • Please refer to the to set the parameters.
  • We provide main_musique and main_hotpot for MuSiQue and HotpotQA respectively.
  • After running main_musique or main_hotpot, the result_dir will add one more directory with:
    • cache dir filled with .json file, which logs the detailed answer and context contents for each question
    • one result file (with the retrieval context index and the generated response) in the format that can be directly evaluated by the specific evaluation tool in the corresponding benchmark.

6. Evaluation

After completing Step 5, you will have the recalled contexts and generated responses for each question in the .json(hotpotqa) or .jsonl(musique) file in result_dir, which is already ready for evaluation. This evaluation script depends on specific evaluation tools for the dataset, such as the Hotpot QA evaluation tool (you can refer to its repository for details).


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