Eat-Da-Burger is a burger logger created with MySql, Node, Express, Handlebars, an ORM, and follows the MVC design pattern.
This application is a restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat. Whenever a user submits a burger name, the app displays the burger ont he left side of the page, waiting to be devoured.
When the user clicks the "Devour" button, the burger name will move to the right side of the page into a list that serves as an archive of burgers that have been eaten. All burgers are stored in a database, devoured or not.
- Clone repository.
- Open server.js in terminal.
- Run command NPM Install to install dependencies.
- Open schema.sql file and copy code into MySql. Execute the code to create burgers table.
- Open seeds.sql file and copy the code into MySql. Execute the code to seed the database with burger info.
- Open the browser and type: localhost:8080
- You can now log your burgers.