This repository contains the code for our database application, "DiscoDB".
The goal is to allow users to search for and save albums to "listening lists", similar to how goodreads allows readers to save books they want to read.
The frontend is hosted on port 3000, the backend is hosted on port 8080. See the Dockerfiles.
Currently, the system is set to run for one user with this information:
user_id: 123456
username: "testUser"
Make sure to run POST /create_user?username="testUser"&user_id=123456
so that this user is created and you can interact with their listening tables :)
Now you can enter something to the text box on the HomePage (We store it in location.state.searchString
) then it takes you to the SearchResults page and shows you what you entered. I applied a similar procedure to store the result of the user's searchBy
dropdown selection.
So far, there is no API call to actually query the database based on the input.
Progress by 4/17: HomePage sends searchString to SearchResults page so it can request the search info from the backend and display it.Note: You may have to have docker
desktop running in order to start up and run our docker image.
Reference repository:
├── backend
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ...
├── db
│ └── password.txt
├── compose.yaml
├── frontend
│ ├── ...
│ └── Dockerfile
For ease, I will write this on files that are from this reference:
/* ======================== (start) REFERENCE:github/docker ================== */
/* Description of our usage of the reference + any modifications made if at all. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const exampleCodeFromReference = exampleFuncCall();
/* ======================== ( end ) REFERENCE:github/docker ================== */
- this is ommitted for *.json because I can't make comments :P
- Go to this Google Drive link
- download all of the files in the folder (the files are titled as follows: "discogs_20240201_artists_modified", "found_missing_releases_masters", "main_releases_modified", and "recovered_missing_releases_modified").
- Navigate to
db/Miniature database code
to the path to wherever you stored the dataset files. - Run
pip install mysql-connector-python
andpip install lxml
in your terminal to download the necessary packages used in parsing the data. - Execute the following commands in your MySQL server:
SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824; SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 6000; SET GLOBAL net_read_timeout = 6000; SET GLOBAL connect_timeout = 6000;
- Run
There are two options for deploying our web app, the first is to use Docker Containers. Command:
docker compose up -d
Note from Jess T. : I recommend the -d
flag because if you don't your console gets filled up with status logs. Just use docker desktop to see the logs.
$ docker compose up -d
Creating network "react-express-mysql_default" with the default driver
Building backend
Step 1/16 : FROM node:10
---> aa6432763c11
Successfully tagged project-discodb_frontend:latest
WARNING: Image for service frontend was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating project-discodb_db_1 ... done
Creating project-discodb_backend_1 ... done
Creating project-discodb_frontend_1 ... done
If you do not have access to docker, or have issues. The second recommended approach is to do the following:
- Go into each folder (backend, frontend) in a separate command window , and run 'npm install' followed by 'npm start'. This will deploy the backend Node.js webserver and the React frontend respectively. Please see the DB folder for more instructions on getting the mysql database setup.
Listing containers must show containers running and the port mapping as below.
docker ps
$ docker ps
f3e1183e709e project-discodb_frontend "docker-entrypoint.s…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>3000/tcp project-discodb_frontend_1
9422da53da76 project-discodb_backend "docker-entrypoint.s…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp,>9229-9230/tcp project-discodb_backend_1
a434bce6d2be mysql:8.0.19 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp project-discodb_db_1
After the application starts, navigate to http://localhost:3000
in your web browser.
The backend service container has the port 80 mapped to 80 on the host.
$ curl localhost:80
{"message":"Hello from MySQL 8.0.19"}
Stop and remove the containers
docker compose down
$ docker compose down
Stopping project-discodb_frontend_1 ... done
Stopping project-discodb_backend_1 ... done
Stopping project-discodb_db_1 ... done
Removing project-discodb_frontend_1 ... done
Removing project-discodb_backend_1 ... done
Removing project-discodb_db_1 ... done
Removing network project-discodb_default
Section Author: Jess Turner
Run the following commands. I know this isn't ideal at all because it deletes ALL your docker containers, but this is just what may have worked as of 4/22 when I wanted to reset my backend docker image.
- Recalling the problem in case you wonder if you are in this same "emergency" that I had: ( I updated the packages and I was constantly getting package not found "cors" errors as well as the app was using the wrong port, 5001 (i.e. when viewing the docker layers) likely because of docker caching an earlier version of the system which used that port )
docker system prune
docker build --no-cache backend
I suppose you can replace backend with whichever image is giving you trouble :P
Then you can re-run the app with
docker compose up -d
as usual.
Section Author: Jess Turner
Run the following commands. I know this isn't ideal at all because it deletes ALL your docker containers, but this is just what may have worked as of 4/22 when I wanted to reset my backend docker image. Unfortunately this doesn't consistently work, but it's worth a try :/
- Recalling the problem in case you wonder if you are in this same "emergency" that I had: ( I updated the packages and I was constantly getting package not found "cors" errors as well as the app was using the wrong port, 5001 (i.e. when viewing the docker layers) likely because of docker caching an earlier version of the system which used that port )
docker system prune
docker build --no-cache backend
I suppose you can replace backend with whichever image is giving you trouble :P
Then you can re-run the app with
docker compose up -d
as usual.
According to this github thread on docker/postgress, you can do docker rm [instance-name]
For example, on 4-25 ~8:45pm, I'm trying to reset the mySQL docker image (i.e. delete and re-create) using a different database table name based on my change in the compose.yaml
file. This is what I attempted before rerunning "docker compose up". It didn't work for me, but it may work for you :p
PS C:\...\jturn>docker ps -a
7a91f30eea9c project-discodb-frontend "docker-entrypoint.s…" 31 minutes ago Up 31 minutes>3000/tcp project-discodb-frontend-1
8d94fb992915 project-discodb-backend "docker-entrypoint.s…" 31 minutes ago Exited (1) 29 minutes ago project-discodb-backend-1
d15ae67dfa4c mysql:8.0.27 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 31 minutes ago Exited (0) 30 seconds ago project-discodb-db-1
PS C:\...\jturn>docker rm project-discodb-db-1
^ Note for developers:
- Send information by using
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
export default function SenderComponent() {
const navigate = useNavigate();
const value = "Send me!"; // usually from state. See "CustomSearchBar.js"
// example from "Home/CustomSearchBar.js"
navigate("/RecipientPage", {state:{attributeName: value}});
- Receive information by using
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
// i.e. This is routed at "/RecipientPage"
export default function RecipientComponent() {
// initialize location variable!
location = useLocation();
console.log("Received data: ", location.state.attributeName);