To simplify the compilation of c++ routines used in the Matlab Animal Processing Tools we propose the python based approach using SCons project. Here we describe step by step the compilation processes. Note what we use ITK static library build, not dynamic.
Package Scons version > 4.4, see
the simplest way to obtain Scons is using conda (see
conda install -c conda-forge scons
Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio 2019 should do the job as well, see
you wil nedd c++ boost, because few routines has abusive implementation using boost
open Windows Power Shell (run as Administrator)
Register-PackageSource -provider NuGet -name nugetRepository -location
Install-Package boost_filesystem-vc143
Install-Package boost_program_options-vc143
download ITK
note ITK do not support scons compilation, so install CMake GUI
if you need compile SegmentedImageAnalysis, a priori, Matlab packages should be installed first.
- System Properties - Advanced - Environment Variables - Edit Environment Variables : add 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018b\bin\win64'
we will use STATIC library build
open CMake GUI
in CMake do :
- indicate where is downloaded ITK derectorie in Where is the source code tab
- indicate where will be your build in Where to build the binaries tab (usual practice is to create build derectorie inside the source code folder)
- if build derectory does not exist, CMake will propose to create it
- Now select Configure
- specify the generator for the this project, when CMake ask you : Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio 2022
- verify the options:
- BUILD_STATIC_LIBS option should be check
- CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES = Release, leaves only Release
- after configuration finished select Generate
- when Open project, if CMake do not propose the rigth Porject Generator (Visual Studio > 2019):
- find in build the file 'ITK.sln'
- select 'Open with' and choose the rigth version of Visual Studio to build the project
in Visual Studio, from ALL_BUILD select build and wait untill ITK installation finished
in project directory AnimalProcessingRoutines edit the file SConstruct :
- give the path of itk library by setting the variable "itkPath"
- give the path of boost installation
- give the path of matlab installation
- check the libraries labels
now we can compile the project, from command line in Windows PowerShell or Terminal
cls; scons
wait until Scons compile the project. The executable binaries will be stored in release directory following the tree :
└── release
├── ct
| └── cellTracking.exe
├── jt
| └── jonctionTracking.exe
├── sa
| └── segmentedImageAnalysis.exe
├── zg
| └── zmapGeneration.exe
└── zp
└── zmapProjection.exe