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[AAAI' 25] BOIDS: High-dimensional Bayesian Optimization via Incumbent-guided Direction Lines and Subspace Embeddings
A set of real-world multi-objective optimization problems
Benchmark library for high-dimensional HPO of black-box models based on Weighted Lasso regression
[FSE'24 - 🏆 Best Artifact Award] BARO: Robust Root Cause Analysis for Microservice Systems.
This repository contains solutions of all assignments of University of Michigan's Applied Machine Learning with python course.
PhoWhisper: Automatic Speech Recognition for Vietnamese (2024)
This is the code for our paper: Increasing the Scope as You Learn: Adaptive Bayesian Optimization in Nested Subspaces (Leonard Papenmeier, Luigi Nardi, and Matthias Poloczek)
[TMLR' 24] High-dimensional Bayesian Optimization via Covariance Matrix Adaptation Strategy
Code for the paper "Bounce: Reliable High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization for Combinatorial and Mixed Spaces"
Bayesian Optimization for Categorical and Continuous Inputs
[ICML'21] Think Global and Act Local: Bayesian Optimisation for Categorical and Mixed Search Spaces
Bayesian Optimisation over Multiple Continuous and Categorical Inputs (CoCaBO)
(GECCO 2022) CMA-ES with Margin: Lower-Bounding Marginal Probability for Mixed-Integer Black-Box Optimization
Top 2 Solution for Zalo AI Challenge 2022 - Liveness Detection track
A Python implementation of global optimization with gaussian processes.