- A VIP plugin for CSGO servers. It has a lot of functions, from displaying info about the VIP, VIP Skills to some minor options which can be disabled.
[ Menus ]
- Perks
- Info about the VIP plans
- Settings Menu
[ Misc ]
- Full translatable
- Full personalizable
- Stores info of players on database
- Plays sounds on enabling options on perks
- Download the latest release from here
- Create an entry on "addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg" named "sht_vip"
"driver" "mysql"
"host" "your_mysql_ip"
"database" "your_mysql_database"
"user" "your_mysql_user"
"pass" "your_mysql_password"
- Drop all the content inside the latest's release file on your server.
- All done and ready to go.
NOTE: Plugin was made only to work with MySQL, I don't know if sqlite is supported here tho
- sm_sht_abrirmenuronda-> "1" - "1 - Opens Menu every round for VIP players when enabled. 0 - Do not open any menu."
- sm_sht_verificarmapa-> "0" - "1 - Verifies the map if it contains any gamemodes from CSGO Communities (awp_, de_, surf_) 0 - Do not verify the map and execute all configs."
- sm_sht_ativarhabilidades-> "1" - "1 - Enables the habilities menu. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_ativardefinicoes -> "1" - "1 - Enables the definitions menu. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_ativarinformacoes-> "1" - "1 - Enables the info menu. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_vip_habilidade_viprespawn-> "1" - "1 - Enables the VIP Respawn. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_vip_habilidade_multijump"-> "0" - "1 - Enables the Multijump. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_vip_habilidade_granadawallhack-> "1" - "1 - Enables the WH Grenade. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_vip_habilidade_granadaimpulsao-> "1" - "1 - Enables the Impulse Grenade. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_vip_habilidade_granadateleporte-> "1" - "1 - Enables the Teleport Grenade. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_vip_habilidade_seringaregeneracao-> "1" - "1 - Enables the Regeneration Serynge. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_ativarmensagens_hud -> "1", "1 - Enables the display of information on the HUD. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_ativarmensagens_chat -> "1", "1 - Enables the display of information on the Chat. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_mensagem_entrada -> "1", "1 - Enables the join message. 0 - Disables"
- sm_sht_vip_flag -> "a", "Flag to access the VIP menu."
- sm_scm_x -> "-1.0", "Horizontal Position to show the displayed message (To be centered, set as -1.0)."
- sm_scm_y -> "0.7", "Vertical Position to show the displayed message (To be centered, set as -1.0)."
- sm_scm_holdtime -> "2.0", "Time that the message is shown."
- sm_scm_r -> "255", "RGB Red Color to the displayed message."
- sm_scm_g -> "255", "RGB Green Color to the displayed message."
- sm_scm_b -> "255", "RGB Blue Color to the displayed message."
- sm_scm_transparency -> "100", "Message Transparency Value."
- sm_scm_effect -> "1.0", "0 - Fade In; 1 - Fade out; 2 - Flash"
- sm_scm_effectduration -> "0.5", "Duration of the selected effect. Not always aplicable"
- sm_scm_fadeinduration -> "0.5", "Duration of the selected effect."
- sm_scm_fadeoutduration -> "0.5", "Duration of the selected effect."
[ External ]
[ Included in package ]
NOTE: Every include is already on the "include" folder that comes within the version of the plugin, so no need to download them but I think it's always good to specify them!