Releases: LaserBearIndustries/CEC_Enabler
Version 1.0 release
Fully up to date with the source firmware, includes CLI mode to edit key mapping without recompiling, and RGB led support, and passes CEC Compliance testing.
LED functions:
Blue Flashing: powered up and running
Green Flashing: CEC Connected and ready
Green flickering: CEC Remote commands received
Solid Red: stack overflow
3 versions included:
- Default firmware shipped with all CEC_Enablers
- F12 mapped to most buttons including Back, allows for higher compatibility for all remotes.
- Includes the ability to use the back button to move back in the menu structure on MiSTer
- Has key-mapping that works with Kodi or other HTPC applications
Version 0.8
Added additional RGB LED handling,
During boot led blinks Red/Off
During handshake with TV it changes to Green/Off
When remote button presses happen it blinks Blue
In the event of an abort state it changes Solid Red or Green/Red to indicate an issue has happened
Merged in original project's updates for configurable controls. (Not useful for MiSTer support, but could be useful if you wish to use this for another application.)