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ReVanced eXtended

Unlike ReVanced build, this one will built with latest version available while maintaining its comptibility and main features e.g SponsorBlock. When the latest version is not compatible with the sources, the build will remain in latest compatible version. So the build might comes faster or even slower depends on the sources.


Extensive ReVanced eXtended Builder

※ Get the latest CI release

Use zygisk-detach to detach YouTube and YouTube Music from Play Store if you are using Magisk modules.

  • Support all present and future ReVanced eXtended apps
  • Can build Magisk modules and non-root APKs
  • Updated periodically with the latest versions of apps and patches
  • Optimize APKs and modules for size
  • Modules
    • recompile invalidated odex for faster usage
    • receive updates from Magisk app
    • do not break safetynet or trigger root detections
    • handle installation of the correct version of the stock app and all that
    • support Magisk and KernelSU
Note that the CI workflow is scheduled to build the modules and APKs everyday using GitHub Actions if there is a change in ReVanced patches. You may want to disable it.

To include/exclude patches or to patch other apps

See the list of patches

Also see

Building Locally

On Termux

bash <(curl -sSf

On Desktop

$ git clone
$ cd revanced-extended
$ ./