Schema-to-case-class code generation for working with Avro in Scala.
: Generate source code at runtime for evaluation at a later step.avrohugger-filesorter
: Sort schema files for proper compilation order.avrohugger-tools
: Generate source code at the command line with the avrohugger-tools jar.
Alternative Distributions:
- sbt:
- Generate source code at compile time with an sbt plugin. - Maven:
- Generate source code at compile time with a maven plugin. - Mill:
- Generate source code at compile time with a Mill plugin. - Gradle:
- Generate source code at compile time with a gradle plugin. - On the web:
- Generate source code from a web app,. - mu-rpc:
- Generate rpc models, messages, clients, and servers.
- Supported Formats:
- Supported Datatypes
- Logical Types Support
- Protocol Support
- Doc Support
- Usage
- Warnings
- Best Practices
- Testing
- Credits
Vanilla case classes (for use with Apache Avro'sGenericRecord
API, etc.) -
Case classes that implementSpecificRecordBase
and therefore have mutablevar
fields (for use with the Avro Specific API - Scalding, Spark, Avro, etc.). -
Case classes with immutable fields, intended to wrap Java generated Avro classes (for use with the Scavro runtime, Java classes provided separately (see Scavro Plugin or sbt-avro)).
Avro | Standard |
SpecificRecord |
Scavro |
Notes |
INT | Int | Int | Int | See Logical Types: date |
LONG | Long | Long | Long | See Logical Types: timestamp-millis |
FLOAT | Float | Float | Float | |
DOUBLE | Double | Double | Double | |
STRING | String | String | String | |
BOOLEAN | Boolean | Boolean | Boolean | |
NULL | Null | Null | Null | |
MAP | Map | Map | Map | |
ENUM | scala.Enumeration Scala case object Java Enum EnumAsScalaString |
Java Enum EnumAsScalaString |
scala.Enumeration Scala case object Java Enum EnumAsScalaString |
See Customizable Type Mapping |
BYTES | Array[Byte] BigDecimal |
Array[Byte] BigDecimal |
Array[Byte] | See Logical Types: decimal |
FIXED | case class case class + schema |
case class extending SpecificFixed |
//TODO | See Logical Types: decimal |
ARRAY | Seq List Array Vector |
Seq List Array Vector |
Array Seq List Vector |
See Customizable Type Mapping |
UNION | Option Either Shapeless Coproduct |
Option | Option | See Customizable Type Mapping |
RECORD | case class case class + schema |
case class extending SpecificRecordBase |
case class extending AvroSerializeable |
See Customizable Type Mapping |
PROTOCOL | No Type Scala ADT |
RPC trait Scala ADT |
No Type Scala ADT |
See Customizable Type Mapping |
Date | java.time.LocalDate java.sql.Date |
java.time.LocalDate java.sql.Date |
Not yet supported | See Customizable Type Mapping |
TimestampMillis | java.time.Instant java.sql.Timestamp |
java.time.Instant java.sql.Timestamp |
Not yet supported | See Customizable Type Mapping |
UUID | java.util.UUID | java.util.UUID | Not yet supported | See Customizable Type Mapping |
Decimal | BigDecimal | BigDecimal | Not yet supported | See Customizable Type Mapping |
NOTE: Currently logical types are only supported for Standard
and SpecificRecord
: Annotates Avroint
schemas to generatejava.time.LocalDate
(See Customizable Type Mapping). Examples: avdl, avsc.decimal
: Annotates Avrobytes
schemas to generateBigDecimal
. Examples: avdl, avsc.timestamp-millis
: Annotates Avrolong
schemas to genaratejava.time.Instant
(See Customizable Type Mapping). Examples: avdl, avsc.uuid
: Annotates Avrostring
schemas (but not idls as of avro 1.8.2) to generatejava.util.UUID
(See Customizable Type Mapping). Example: avsc.time-millis
: Annotates Avroint
schemas to genaratejava.time.LocalTime
the records defined in
, and json protocol strings can be generated as ADTs if the protocols define more than one Scala definition (note: message definitions are ignored when this setting is used). See Customizable Type Mapping. -
, if the protocol contains messages then an RPC trait is generated (instead of generating and ADT, or ignoring the message definitions).
: Comments that begin with/**
are used as the documentation string for the type or field definition that follows the comment. -
, and.avro
: Docs in Avro schemas are used to define a case class' ScalaDoc -
: ScalaDocs of case class definitions are used to define record and field docs
Note: Currently Treehugger appears to generate Javadoc style docs (thus compatible with ScalaDoc style).
- Library For Scala 2.12, and 2.13
- Parses Schemas and IDLs with Avro version 1.11
- Generates Code Compatible with Scala 2.12, 2.13
"com.julianpeeters" %% "avrohugger-core" % "1.2.1"
Instantiate a Generator
with Standard
, Scavro
, or SpecificRecord
formats. Then use
tToFile(input: T, outputDir: String): Unit
tToStrings(input: T): List[String]
where T
can be File
, Schema
, or String
import avrohugger.Generator
import avrohugger.format.SpecificRecord
val schemaFile = new File("path/to/schema")
val generator = new Generator(SpecificRecord)
generator.fileToFile(schemaFile, "optional/path/to/output") // default output path = "target/generated-sources"
where an input File
can be .avro
, .avsc
, .avpr
, or .avdl
and where an input String
can be the string representation of an Avro schema,
protocol, IDL, or a set of case classes that you'd like to have implement
To reassign Scala types to Avro types, use the following (e.g. for customizing Specific
import avrohugger.format.SpecificRecord
import avrohugger.types.ScalaVector
val myScalaTypes = Some(SpecificRecord.defaultTypes.copy(array = ScalaVector))
val generator = new Generator(SpecificRecord, avroScalaCustomTypes = myScalaTypes)
can be assigned toScalaCaseClass
(with schema in a companion object)array
can be assigned toScalaSeq
, andScalaVector
can be assigned toJavaEnum
, andScalaEnumeration
can be assigned to ,ScalaCaseClassWrapper
(with schema in a companion object)union
can be assigned toOptionShapelessCoproduct
, orOptionalShapelessCoproduct
can be assigned toScalaInt
can be assigned toScalaADT
can be assigned to e.g.ScalaBigDecimal(Some(BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN))
(via Shapeless Tagged Types)
Namespaces can be reassigned by instantiating a Generator
with a custom
namespace map (please see warnings below):
val generator = new Generator(SpecificRecord, avroScalaCustomNamespace = Map("oldnamespace"->"newnamespace"))
Scavro: by default, a "model" package is appended to the namespace to create a Scala namespace that does not conflict with Scavro's generated Java. To override, either customize each package namespace separately (preempting the use of the default package name), or override the package name like so:
val generator = new Generator(SpecificRecord, avroScalaCustomNamespace = Map("SCAVRO_DEFAULT_PACKAGE$"->"scavro"))
Wildcarding the beginning of a namespace is permitted, place a single asterisk after the prefix that you want to map and any matching schema will have its namespace rewritten. Multiple conflicting wildcards are not permitted.
val generator = new Generator(SpecificRecord, avroScalaCustomNamespace = Map("example.*"->"example.newnamespace"))
"com.julianpeeters" %% "avrohugger-filesorter" % "1.2.1"
To ensure dependent schemas are compiled in the proper order (thus avoiding org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException: Undefined name: "com.example.MyRecord"
parser errors), sort avsc and avdl files with the sortSchemaFiles
method on AvscFileSorter
and AvdlFileSorter
import avrohugger.filesorter.AvscFileSorter
val sorted: List[File] = AvscFileSorter.sortSchemaFiles((srcDir ** "*.avsc")
Download the avrohugger-tools jar for Scala 2.12, or Scala 2.13 (>30MB!) and use it like the avro-tools jar Usage: [-string] (schema|protocol|datafile) input... outputdir
generates Scala case class definitions:
java -jar /path/to/avrohugger-tools_2.12-1.2.1-assembly.jar generate schema user.avsc .
generates definitions that extend Avro'sSpecificRecordBase
java -jar /path/to/avrohugger-tools_2.12-1.2.1-assembly.jar generate-specific schema user.avsc .
generates definitions that extend Scavro'sAvroSerializable
java -jar /path/to/avrohugger-tools_2.12-1.2.1-assembly.jar generate-scavro schema user.avsc .
If your framework is one that relies on reflection to get the Schema, it will fail since Scala fields are private. Therefore preempt it by passing in a Schema to DatumReaders and DatumWriters (e.g.
val sdw = SpecificDatumWriter[MyRecord](schema)
). -
For the
format, generated case class fields must be mutable (var
) in order to be compatible with the SpecificRecord API. Note: If your framework allowsGenericRecord
, avro4s provides a type class that converts to and from immutable case classes cleanly. -
When the input is a case class definition
, import statements are not supported, please use fully qualified type names if using records/classes from multiple namespaces. -
By default, a schema's namespace is used as a package name. In the case of the Scavro output format, the default is the namespace with
appended. -
While Scavro format uses custom namespaces in a way that leaves it unaffected, most formats fail on schemas with records within unions (see [avro forum](see
requires thatenum
be represented asJavaEnum
Avoid recursive schemas since they can cause compatibility issues if trying to flow data into a system that doesn't support them (e.g., Hive).
Use namespaces to ensure compatibility when importing into Java/Scala.
Use default field values in case of future schema evolution (further reading).
To test for regressions, please run sbt:avrohugger> + test
To test that generated code can be de/serialized as expected, please run:
sbt:avrohugger> + publishLocal
- then clone sbt-avrohugger and update its avrohugger dependency to the locally published version
- finally run
sbt:sbt-avrohugger> scripted avrohugger/*
, or, e.g.,scripted avrohugger/GenericSerializationTests
Depends on Avro and Treehugger. avrohugger-tools
is based on avro-tools.