A robust, type-safe Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library designed specifically for Deno. Rex-ORM provides seamless database interactions with PostgreSQL and SQLite, featuring real-time data synchronization, GraphQL integration, and optimized serverless deployment support.
- Rex-ORM
- Type-Safe Database Operations: Leverages TypeScript's type system for compile-time error checking
- Multiple Database Support: Built-in support for PostgreSQL and SQLite
- Real-Time Synchronization: WebSocket-based real-time updates and notifications
- GraphQL Integration: Automatic schema generation and resolver implementation
- Serverless Optimized: Efficient connection pooling and cold start optimization
- Comprehensive Migration System: Version-controlled database schema changes
- Plugin Architecture: Extensible system for adding new functionality
- Validation System: Declarative data validation using decorators
- Relationship Management: Support for all standard database relationships
- Query Builder: Fluent, chainable API for complex queries
- Connection Pooling: Efficient database connection management
- Transaction Support: ACID-compliant transaction handling
Add Rex-ORM to your Deno project:
// deps.ts
export { BaseModel, Model, Column, PrimaryKey } from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
- Define your model:
import { Model, Column, PrimaryKey } from "./deps.ts";
@Model({ tableName: "users" })
export class User extends BaseModel {
id!: number;
@Column({ type: "varchar", length: 255 })
name!: string;
@Column({ type: "varchar", length: 255, unique: true })
email!: string;
- Configure database connection:
import { DatabaseFactory } from "./deps.ts";
const config = {
database: "postgres", // or "sqlite"
host: "localhost",
port: 5432,
username: "user",
password: "password",
databaseName: "my_app"
const adapter = DatabaseFactory.createAdapter(config);
await adapter.connect();
- Perform operations:
// Create
const user = new User();
user.name = "John Doe";
user.email = "[email protected]";
await user.save(adapter);
// Query
const users = await qb
.select(["id", "name", "email"])
.where("name", "LIKE", "%John%")
Rex-ORM supports both PostgreSQL and SQLite. Configure your database connection based on your needs:
const config = {
database: "postgres",
host: "localhost",
port: 5432,
username: "user",
password: "password",
databaseName: "my_app",
poolSize: 10, // Optional: Connection pool size
idleTimeout: 30000 // Optional: Idle timeout in milliseconds
const config = {
database: "sqlite",
databasePath: "./data/database.sqlite"
Models represent your database tables and are defined using decorators:
@Model({ tableName: "posts" })
export class Post extends BaseModel {
id!: number;
@Column({ type: "varchar", length: 255 })
title!: string;
@Column({ type: "text" })
content!: string;
@Column({ type: "timestamp", nullable: true })
publishedAt?: Date;
@ManyToOne(() => User, (user) => user.posts)
author!: User;
Rex-ORM supports all standard relationship types:
// One-to-Many
@OneToMany(() => Post, (post) => post.author)
posts!: Post[];
// Many-to-One
@ManyToOne(() => User, (user) => user.posts)
author!: User;
// One-to-One
@OneToOne(() => Profile, (profile) => profile.user)
profile!: Profile;
// Many-to-Many
@ManyToMany(() => Tag, (tag) => tag.posts)
tags!: Tag[];
Add validation rules using decorators:
@Model({ tableName: "users" })
export class User extends BaseModel {
@Column({ type: "varchar", length: 255 })
validator: (value: string) => value.length >= 3,
message: "Name must be at least 3 characters long"
name!: string;
@Column({ type: "varchar", length: 255 })
validator: (value: string) => /^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$/.test(value),
message: "Invalid email format"
validator: (value: string) => value.length <= 255,
message: "Email cannot exceed 255 characters"
email!: string;
// Create
const post = new Post();
post.title = "Hello World";
post.content = "First post content";
await post.save(adapter);
// Read
const qb = new QueryBuilder();
const posts = await qb
.select(["id", "title", "content"])
.where("title", "LIKE", "%Hello%")
.orderBy("createdAt", "DESC")
// Update
const post = await Post.findById(1);
post.title = "Updated Title";
await post.save(adapter);
// Delete
await post.delete(adapter);
const qb = new QueryBuilder();
// Complex conditions
const results = await qb
.select(["posts.*", "users.name AS author_name"])
.join("users", "users.id = posts.author_id")
.where("posts.published", "=", true)
.andWhere("posts.created_at", ">", new Date('2023-01-01'))
.orderBy("posts.created_at", "DESC")
// Aggregations
const stats = await qb
"COUNT(*) as total_posts",
"AVG(view_count) as avg_views"
.having("COUNT(*)", ">", 5)
// Eager loading
const postsWithAuthor = await qb
.select(["posts.*", "users.*"])
.join("users", "users.id = posts.author_id")
.where("posts.published", "=", true)
// Lazy loading
const post = await Post.findById(1);
const author = await post.author; // Loads author when accessed
Create a new migration:
deno run --allow-read --allow-write cli.ts migration:create add_published_flag_to_posts
This creates a migration file:
// migrations/20240101000000_add_published_flag_to_posts.ts
import { Migration } from "../types.ts";
const migration: Migration = {
id: "20240101000000_add_published_flag_to_posts",
up: async (adapter) => {
await adapter.execute(`
down: async (adapter) => {
await adapter.execute(`
DROP COLUMN published
export default migration;
# Apply pending migrations
deno run --allow-read --allow-write cli.ts migrate:up
# Rollback last migration
deno run --allow-read --allow-write cli.ts migrate:down
# Reset database
deno run --allow-read --allow-write cli.ts migrate:reset
import { RealTimeSync } from "./deps.ts";
const realTimeSync = new RealTimeSync({
port: 8080
await realTimeSync.start();
// Enable real-time updates for models
// Server-side event emission
@Model({ tableName: "posts" })
export class Post extends BaseModel {
async save(adapter: DatabaseAdapter) {
await super.save(adapter);
payload: this.toJSON()
// Client-side event handling
const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080");
ws.onmessage = (event) => {
const { type, payload } = JSON.parse(event.data);
switch (type) {
import { GraphQLSchemaGenerator } from "./deps.ts";
// Generate schema from models
const schemaConfig = GraphQLSchemaGenerator.generateSchemaConfig();
// Create GraphQL server
const server = new GraphQLServerWrapper(schemaConfig, {
}, {
port: 4000
await server.start();
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async getPost(_: any, { id }: { id: string }, context: any) {
const post = await Post.findById(id);
return post;
Mutation: {
async createPost(_: any, { input }: { input: any }, context: any) {
const post = new Post();
Object.assign(post, input);
await post.save(context.adapter);
return post;
// serverless.yml
service: rex-orm-api
name: aws
runtime: provided.al2
memorySize: 1024
timeout: 30
handler: handler.graphqlHandler
- http:
path: graphql
method: post
cors: true
handler: handler.realtimeHandler
- websocket:
route: $connect
- websocket:
route: $disconnect
- websocket:
route: $default
import { StatelessPoolManager } from "./deps.ts";
// Initialize connection pool
database: "postgres",
maxConnections: 10,
idleTimeout: 30000
// Get connection
const connection = await StatelessPoolManager.getConnection();
try {
// Use connection
} finally {
await StatelessPoolManager.releaseConnection(connection);
import { Plugin } from "./deps.ts";
export class MySQLPlugin implements Plugin {
name = "mysql";
initialize() {
// Register MySQL adapter
DatabaseFactory.registerAdapter("mysql", MySQLAdapter);
import { ORM } from "./deps.ts";
import { MySQLPlugin } from "./plugins/mysql.ts";
// Initialize ORM with plugins
new MySQLPlugin()
Model Organization
- Keep models in separate files
- Use clear, descriptive names
- Document complex relationships
Query Optimization
- Use appropriate indexes
- Limit result sets
- Use eager loading for relationships
Migration Management
- One change per migration
- Include both up and down migrations
- Test migrations before production
Error Handling
- Implement proper error handling
- Use custom error classes
- Log errors appropriately
Real-Time Updates
- Implement proper reconnection logic
- Handle connection failures
- Use appropriate event types
- Validate input data
- Use parameterized queries
- Implement proper authentication
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Deno community for their excellent standard library
- GraphQL Deno for GraphQL support
- Contributors who have helped shape this project
For support, please:
- Open an issue on GitHub
- Join our Discord community
- Check the documentation
- Contact the maintainers
For commercial support options, please contact the maintainers directly.